Opening to Receive: 5 Tips to Get to Yes

When someone compliments you,  do you accept, wide open, with no questioning? Or, do pre-conditioned responses of resistance come into play? Are you even keel with giving and receiving, or are you always  giving?  Life within a  responsive Universe requires that we...

The Death of Duality

Duality is dying. It might not seem so as we witness the divisiveness within first nation politics. Yet, duality, with its sense of separation, is dissolving. The Resistance Movement, whether we are activists or not, unites us and helps lift the veil of delusion. We...

Sunrise, Sunset

Through a moving FB post, a friend opened me to a new experience of Natural Time – the simple noticing of Sunrise and Sunset and their daily fluctuations. This is a brilliant practice for moving through the hold that cultural conditioning about time tries to have over...