Sol in Virgo, August 22 to September 22, 2024

Measuring time by the Sun and Moon integrates masculine and feminine, which is one of the great opportunities of Now.
With the Sun, time increments are measured by the seasons, further divided by three modal qualities within each season. These sections are initiating, holding, and integrating, or in the language of astrology, Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable.
With the Moon, we flow through an eight-phase cycle, which reflects the human life cycle, from infancy to old age and death, each month. There are also personal and collective Luna cycles. The Personal Cycle New Moon starts with the phase of the Moon in which one is born, each Luna month. The collective Luna cycle begins with the New Moon.
The Virgo Ingress starts on August 22, 2024, at 10:55 AM EDT and goes to Equinox, 0 Libra, on September 22, 2024, at 8:44 AM EDT.
Qualities of Virgo
Virgo instills us with muteable Earth energy. This energy is discerning and grounding and does not force. It knows what it wants, and if there is no alignment, it moves on, knowing that it will find its match because it is inevitable that what is needed will show up in time. The Cancerian flow and the Leo confidence build into these qualities of Virgo.
With any ingress, it is vital to embrace the whole axis, and with Virgo, that axis includes Pisces. With Virgo/Pisces, we have inclusion that allows for individuality. We have a grounded spirituality that reflects a realistic, mature resonance with practicality.
Substack subscribers can access a Virgo Ingress guided imagery meditation and deep space planetary aspects occurring now.