Aureal Williams
Living the Intuitive Life with 5D Here, Now

About Aureal
Welcome to my website, where we explore many manifestations of the collective shift to 5th Dimensional Consciousness. The information, the coaching, consulting processes, and the downloadable products offered here are the result of five decades of ongoing work with this quantum shift.
Since my earliest days, I have been spiritually oriented, opting for integral presence, accountability, and life purpose alignment. My work trajectory spirals around a love of mystery, mysticism, curiosity, courage, and burning spiritual passion for life, humanity, and the cosmos.
My direct experience is that we live in an interactive world, and we are best served when we rely on both the physical and the metaphysical. Everything that has a life force gives and receives in dynamic reciprocity.
I bring gratitude, awe, humility, reciprocity, curiosity, wonder, active listening, accepting presence, perception, kindness, and intuition to my work. I also bring innate and experientially acquired wisdom of making the quantum shift to 5D consciousness with an understanding of galactic astrology.
The roots of all my work include medical/surgical nursing, research nursing, psychiatric nursing, Integrative Care nursing, professional writing and speaking, and nonprofit philanthropy. Integrating the physical with the metaphysical capacities comes from decades of spiritual practice, training, and work with astrology, mind/body integration, guided imagery, intuition, and group facilitation.
Working Together
There are multiple ways we can work together. If you are looking for a primer to get started on your path of understanding 5D, the ebook 5D Ordinary Descriptions of an Extraordinary Shift is just that. There is a weekly blog and frequent social media posts.
Guided Imagery sessions that activate your inner knowing about issues of concern to you are available. Deep Space Astrology readings and astrological coaching help you see how the cosmos, especially the newly discovered planets, are helping you manifest fulfillment. Also on offer are business and nonprofit consulting for optimal harmony in the workforce. Virtual public speaking on topics related to 5D is available. Group events are offered occasionally, with particular alignment to major cosmic events.
Downloadable products include workbooks on the 5 Pillars of Access to 5th Dimensional Consciousness. These audio recordings help you relax through the use of imagery in guided journeys and offer a connection to your intuitive knowing.
As you search these pages, I hope you feel the invitation to work together in collaborative processes that unfold your 5th Dimensional Consciousness and life purpose fulfillment.
Get Started
Contact me with any questions, and you can schedule a 20-minute “Get to Know Each Other” Zoom call to explore the specifics of how we can work together.