I have had challenges accessing Pandora in my car lately. Sometimes the Bluetooth channel will play Pandora, and sometimes even that does not work. I stopped listening to NPR news before the 2016 election. While silence is my general preference, there are times that I enjoy listening to jazz while driving.
Twice now, when Pandora did not work, I clicked on the Bluetooth tab, and no jazz plays from there, either. What comes on is a U2 album. This is a track from an actual album, not Pandora. There is a USB port in my car, however, no flash drive is plugged into it. I have not ever purchased or downloaded music from U2 and have no idea where this is coming from. I click the fast forward button on the car’s touch screen and a mp3 recording of a channeled session that I had saved years ago starts playing.
Curious to revisit these teachings, I stay with it. The channeled session comes from 2012, it seems, and is a session of Michele Mayama channeling Mary Magdalene.
In this session, Mary Magdalene responds to a participant’s question about intuition. While I missed these words when the session was live, I heard them the other day. Mary Magdalene said that intuition comes from a limited perspective. She talked about everyone’s birthright to full consciousness — to know the whole and the full. In any given moment. She shared that intuition is a small facet of full capacity consciousness.
This full awareness is what multidimensional consciousness offers. Through all of our being, particularly, sensate experiences, we can see, feel, hear, access the whole picture.
What a liberating way to regard consciousness. This full spectrum approach upgrades intuition from a facet glimpse to a nonlinear experience of multidimensional presence
These higher dimensions are real. Our highest wisdom recognizes them as a felt experience, even if we cannot name it. When we claim our higher dimensional home, we claim more parts of our power. We raise our capacity and we see more, touch more, feel more, know more. In a recent post on Soulstice Rising, Ascension Notes, Kara Schallock writes that human beings are bringing these higher dimensions in as a grid formation that is the New Earth.
In multidimensional consciousness, time is non-linear. This means that information from years ago, can pop up on your radar, or radio like it did for me, or some flash of future can come into consciousness as real and alive and accessible.
Notice how experiences of nonlinear time show up for you. We can pay attention as these experiences happen. Notice how only the present is real, and stay there, with each new moment. Release regret, longing, fear, shame, blame, guilt. Present moment aligns our multidimensional consciousness with Deep Earth, and High Heaven, and stretches us out to full surround.
Being conscious of the present allows us to feel, know and choose next steps. Let go of the plotted line for life experience, the linear time frame that goes from here to there to there. In its place, allow the swirling spiral of Now, with its fulcrum in multidimensional consciousness, to anchor you. Allow your Soul and the Universe to unfold You.
Please share your experiences with the release of linear time in the comments section.