Second Quarter Phase, June 7, 2022, 10:40 AM to Full Moon Phase, June 14, 2022, 7:52 AM
This is the week that brings the Boom! Last week we started new; this week, we build toward fullness. In this second Lunar week, we are more energetic, encouraged, and empowered to propel our projects and creations forward.
There is a catch during this second week, though. Those in bodies graced with menstruation know the direct effect of the few days just before the period starts. You know it is coming, and the tension is taut. It is the same experience for everyone the few days before the Full Moon. We know the release is coming, yet the crescendo remains out of reach no matter how far we extend our grasp. We must wait.
This longing to connect with release can be experienced as frustration. We can reframe the delay, the waiting, and the yearning by understanding that this stretch to release is a rich part of the process.
A yogic approach to life helps with this longing phase. Literally or metaphorically, stretch yourself into the overarching reach that culminates in the Full Moon. This is when more is revealed. The valve opens, and the flow pours forth. This is like holding that yoga pose for a few seconds longer. This is like accepting the gentle touch from a wise yoga teacher to get in just a little closer alignment with what is at the end of your reach.
These final stretch days occur from Saturday, June 11, to the Full Moon on Tuesday, June 14, at 7:52 AM EDT. Tend to your feelings with patience and corral your thoughts by turning them to the favorable winds.
In the first half of this Second Quarter week, feel the passion for creating. Then in the second half of the week, feel the stretch of extension beyond what you could imagine. Soon your energies will meet with the cosmic powers of the Moon in her fullness. The Light of release, freedom, realization, and fulfillment blazes here.
Create and wait. Wait with full extension of arms, heart, possibility, and inner knowing that your gifts of creation are about to meet the full light of an open and receiving sky.
5D Here, Now
After many years of not writing, I started blog posting about a year ago to enter the conversation about 5D. I was writing a book and could not write directly about 5D because the book was taking shape.
The book is now published, 5D, Ordinary Descriptions of an Extraordinary Shift, and it connects the dots to the collective quantum changes that led to this rise in consciousness. The book is a basic primer for understanding what is happening in this shift to 5D.
Regarding the blog posts, I knew that one of the pillars of access to 5D is a new relationship with time. As an astrologer specializing in deep space and time cycles, I know natural time cycles well, and I live them.
For four decades, I have felt the ebb and flow of the Lunar month and the Void Moons in my blood and bones. I started writing this weekly blog from the perspective of two things: the recurring Lunar phases, and the Void Moons. It has been a surprise that there is something new to say each week I sit down to write.
Now that 5D consciousness is more accessible, some readers have shared that it might be helpful to include examples of how we move from 3D to 5D. What does it look like and feel like, and how does the shift show up;?
Starting with this post, I include 5D experiences that I have had, hoping that shared experience might spark awareness about how 5D comes calling. The more we share, the easier it is to understand our experiences.
Recently, I have had a visceral experience of the surrounding space expanding. Of stepping up and onto a broader, more expansive vista. A bigger field. I imagine it is like the wagon train travelers coming from the East and experiencing the West’s vast open land and sky. My experience is like that, of a grand opening lifting me to a new plateau. The other experience is being pushed out of what was and into what is.
Are you feeling the cosmic pull to be bigger in your life than ever before?
If you feel fear on reading these words, please take a breath. Note that you have been growing from the first moment of your conception. The growth on offer is now more prominent, bolder, and broader than any previous growth development. The growth leap is quantum. We are up to it, or it would not be on offer.
Raising frequency is there for the taking, yet it requires expanding ourselves and releasing what no longer works.
Many people talk about decluttering. Some have already let go of belongings for which taking space was their only function. It is the same dynamic of letting go of people and habits, foods, and behaviors that have gone stale. We must release the limitations of habit, belief, and perception that hold us back from life in 5D.
It is impossible to live in 5D from the same level that we lived in 3D. We need to shed layers upon layers of the old and open wide to the new. The time is now to step up and out. The anchor is you—your intuition, your long-held goals, dreams, wishes, and longings.
False humility is a trapdoor of 3D. We are unique, and no one is better than the other. We must claim our uniqueness as we stand together in 5D. Being humble and hidden and deferring no longer works. It never did work, yet it was functional for the 3D environment. We now have access to 5D, and the gifts we have grown over eons are coming into light and consciousness.
We are not used to naming our powers, yet we have to become used to doing so. In 5D, everyone’s bright light shines. How do you know your unique gifts? The Universe is broadcasting them to you now. Through feedback you receive from people in your life, groups, associations, friends, and relatives, even people new to you reflect what they see.
You have known your special gifts in a glow-in-the-dark kind of way. With the platform expanded, the lights shine on who you are and what you bring. The experience is like a call and response from the Universe. Saying yes empowers and uplifts you. Saying yes plugs you into expanded potential.
I am inclusive and love unconditionally. I live felt empathy. Your turn. What is your highlight capacity as we live in 5D consciousness?
Please share your unique gifts in the comments or email me at Consider this a practice session where you own and use who you are and what you have. Let’s beam our lights together, so the darkness in our world dims through our collective shining bright lights.
Blessed, blessed be.
Void of Course Moon Times this Week
I know that the Void Moon matters related to productivity and outcomes. I feel the Void Moon in my blood and bones and find it extremely hard to focus and work during Void Moon times.
Consider tracking the Void Moon times if your physicality links to the Moon’s ebbs and flows, and Her stops and starts. Doing so can help you plan and predict energy levels. Using the Void Moon as a productivity tool can save your body and resources wear and tear.
The work of dreaming, daydreaming, journaling, pondering, and resting are highly rewarded during Void Moon times. As you explore this timing for yourself, consider that rest is part of the productivity cycle.
Around the world, the Void Moon times are short this week. For those in the Eastern or Central Time US and Canada zones, Wednesday morning, June 8, is affected; this translates to evening downtime for European time zones.
Friday, June 10, for people in the Eastern and Central US and Canada time zones, might feel like starting the weekend early. Those in Western and Mountain time zones, US and Canada, might enjoy a break in the early part of Friday, getting back to work in the afternoon.
For readers in Europe, the Void Moon times this week occur in the late afternoon and evening hours, with little disruption to a daytime work schedule.
May you realize the Moon blessing you through her phase flow and Void Moon respites wherever you are in the world.
Void Moons: No form to contain the energy which feels free-floating and hard to focus. Heeding what your body wants during Void Moons — more internal focus, less external focus, and more stillness, quiet, and rest — are great ways to embody the Moon.
The Void Moon Times this week include:
Wednesday, June 8, 8:09 AM to 11:23 AM EDT
Friday, June 10, 1:37 PM to 4:41 PM EDT
Sunday, June 12, 5:40 PM to 6:32 PM EDT
Here is a time converter:
Blessed Be. See you next week, at the Full Moon Moon.