At the New Moon, we move from the formless state into form. This lunar cycle phase equates to the newborn human growth and development stage. We find our way into new life in infancy and at New Moons.
This April 2022 New Moon emphasizes newness because it aligns with the start of a new seasonal cycle. Aries Sun, Aries Moon, new life budding forth.
The exact time of the New Moon is 2:25 AM, EDT, April 1. Allow 24-36 hours to adjust to the newness as you emerge from the emptiness state into the formed state. Ask for what you need–ask your spiritual helpers and ask yourself. Get clear and present with those needs and then project those needs as already met.
An Eileen Caddy quote posted in strategic places around my house states: “Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow Spiritually. You are not living by Human laws. Expect Miracles and see them take place. Hold ever before you the thought of prosperity and abundance and know that doing so sets in motion forces that will bring it into being.”
Please do not allow yourself to be distracted by what does not matter. As these are collectively traumatic times, please also set boundaries around the challenges that impact your heart, soul, and life. One of the most practical teachings I have ever received was from a Tibetan Buddhist Lama when he said, “Even a thought can help.” We are each activist in different ways. Know where your action lies and take it.
The veil is sliver thin now. At this border of a New Moon and the edge of 5th Dimensional Consciousness, insights are quick, manifestation is instant, and the experience of embodied, co-creative power is alive. This New Moon awakens us more fully to whom we are, intuitive collaborators within a loving and responsive cosmos.
Real-Life Examples of the Potency of Now
Help is on the Way
I bring a question into morning mediation. Images come through, and after meditation, I realize that there is probably a flower essence that matches the received image. An online search produces an exact match. The ordered essence arrives with the New Moon. I will keep you posted regarding outcomes once I use the flower essence. The felt experience is one of “Message received, help is on the way.”
Just Waiting to be Asked
In an online 2022 Spiritual Ancestors Retreat with Tanis Helliwell, Tanis posts a question, and, as participants, we go on a guided imagery meditation in search of responses. It is utterly astounding how ready and willing our invisible helpers are. All we have to do is ask.
While I have been asking Angels, archangels, totems, crystals, elementals, spiritual and lineage ancestors, and all helpful guides and guardians for assistance my entire adult life, the response now is immediate. It is exceptional!
At this border crossing into 5th Dimensional Consciousness and with the veil at the New Moon, now is the time to realize our collaborative power as spiritual beings having a human experience. If you are struggling with a conundrum, please consider asking your beneficent helpers for information on resolutions or next steps. They wait in the wings to be asked.
We Must Do Our Part
As mentioned in other blog posts, we are becoming beings of Light in this shift to 5D Consciousness. That means that the foods we used to eat may no longer be aligned with who we are becoming. We must shift with the shifting. If a behavior you are doing, the food you are eating, or a relationship you tolerate no longer holds resonance with the lighter, freer you, you have a choice. You can either release the outdated attachment or stay bogged down in the past.
Over the decades since I have been tracking the 5th Dimensional Shift, I have had many dietary changes. These changes come with a shift in identity. The time is now to complete those choices. It isn’t easy to let go of comfort food, of quick yet false satisfaction, for more fulfilling nourishment. With each “Yes, I hear and agree,” the choice gets reinforced with the instantaneous reward of living an intuitive life.
Actively living this shift, embodying 5D has become part of my work. If I can help you move through the challenges as we shift to 5D Consciousness, consider scheduling a time to talk here at I also work with astrology in an innovative way that recognizes our bidirectional relationship with the planets. For more on this, check out: Information, Intuition, Integration. For more information on the changes involved in this shift, check out 5D Ordinary Descriptions of an Extraordinary Shift.
Void of Course Moon Times this Week
The Void Moon times this week are brief. For those in the United States and Canada Eastern Time Zones, we might lose the plot mid-morning on Saturday, April 2, for a few hours and again for most of the morning on Thursday, April 7. These Void Moon times affect those in Europe later in the day, during the afternoon and evening hours.
Void Moons: No form to contain the energy which feels free-floating and hard to focus. Heeding what your body wants during Void Moons — more internal focus, less external focus, and more stillness, quiet, and rest — are great ways to embody the Moon.
The Void Moon Times this week include:
Saturday, April 2, 9:51 AM to 12:51 PM EDT
Monday, April 4, 9:53 PM to 11:05 PM
Wednesday, April 6,11:15 PM to Thursday, April 7, 11:30 AM EDT
Here is a time converter:
Blessed Be. See you next week, at the Second Quarter Moon.