Magical Full Moon Illuminates Inner Key to Connection

by | Aug 10, 2022 | 5D, Intuition, Living the Intuitive Life, Our Moon

Full Moon, August 11, 9:36 PM to Fourth Quarter Moon, August 19, 2022, 12:37 AM, EDT

Moon Phase

While the intensity calms this week, potency remains high. The fullness of this August Moon brings the chance to connect live with the inner key to our kingdom and discover how to unlock our connection with the rest of the world.

The blaze of this Sun/Moonlight reveals a renewed chance to connect with our 5D self. Here, we can find uplifting kindness and wisdom as we cross the bridge to our evolving selves. The revelatory beauty of our true self might surprise us.

In these super-turbulent times, we are well served to check deep within to see what is changing regarding who we are and what we want. Old scripts no longer work, and discernment is key.

Elementally, there is not a lot of water element energy this lunar week, so it is likely to be challenging to go deep into feelings. We will also be challenged to let go and be flexible as we open to the new. Conscious and slow breathing helps with all these challenges.

The reward is there, though, through the connection of the Sun and the Moon during this Full Moon time. This bridging light spans the reach of our true self with the ways and means of how we can connect with others and the cosmos. Please consider taking time to allow the magic of this Full Moon illumination to light you up. How-to information follows.

In these super-turbulent times, we are well served to check deep within to see what is changing regarding who we are and what we want. Old scripts no longer work, and discernment is key.

5D Here, Now

The cosmic energies of this week link up to Intuition, one of the 5D portals of access. While feelings might be under the surface this week, there will be breadcrumbs to follow. These breadcrumbs come from clues from your spirit, body, and abstract messages that fly into your sensate radar. Pay attention to the signs. Follow your heart. In this week of second chances, your heart will radiate resonance of what clues to follow or not. If your heart directs you that something or someone is not a match, please try to let go and be open to what is a match. You will feel it. And if you do not feel it, perhaps more time is needed—no need to speed.


How do you plug into intuition if you do not already use that skill in your life? The first step is to want to use your intuition. Living by intuition can become a way of life if that desire exists.

Living by intuition is a hallmark of 5D. In this higher frequency consciousness, we connect with the noosphere, a cosmic field of invisible knowing. I write about the noosphere in my book 5D Ordinary Descriptions of an Extraordinary Shift. Also, in that book is information about how our bodies are becoming more plasma-based and less carbon-based. This shift in composition also increases intuitive capacity. Information on plasma is also in the book.

These are challenging times. Implement self-care, call on like-minded friends, rest when your body suggests, and recognize that life constantly evolves. Consider paying attention to your inner needs. Your intuition, the messages from your sensate body, and your open, loving heart are guides and companions in these unprecedented times of change.

If you want help exploring your intuitive channels and capacities, reach out here.

Void of Course Moon Times this Week

Extended Void Moons this week for those living in the United States and Canada occur during the working hours on Friday, August 12. This long Void Moon occurs during the evening for those living in Europe.

There is an almost five-hour Void Moon time on Sunday, morning and afternoon for the United States and Canada, and evening for Europe. And the six-hour Void Moon on Tuesday occurs in the afternoon and evening for the United States and Canada and nighttime for those living in Europe.

The exact times are below, along with a time converter link. You can plan and schedule nonessential work, rest, and relaxation during Void Moons to decrease your nervous system’s stress and optimize personal energy and commodity resources. Track these times yourself to see how you feel and how productivity, or wastefulness, plays out.

A workbook on A New Relationship with Time is in the works. The Void of Course Moon is one of the sections in this upcoming workbook. Stay tuned for release announcements.

Void Moons: No form to contain the energy which feels free-floating and hard to focus. Heeding what your body wants during Void Moons — more internal focus, less external focus, and more stillness, quiet, and rest — are great ways to embody the Moon.

The Void Moon Times this week include:

Friday, August 12, 7:08 AM to 2:45 PM EDT

Sunday, August 14, 11:11 AM to 4:43 PM EDT

Tuesday, August 16, 4:19 PM to 10:23 PM EDT

Here is a time converter:

Blessed Be. See you next week, at the Fourth Quarter Moon.