Full Moon Week December 18 to December 26, 2021

by | Dec 17, 2021 | 5D, Our Moon

As we move through the Full Moon week of this current Lunar Cycle, see if you can perceive the subtle shift as the energy turns from external to internal.  The more you open to the direct experience of time as an innate experience, embodied within you and nature, the more alive, creative, spontaneous, and in sync your cosmic pulse will be.

Let me know how this shift of time as an inner experience is happening for you and what questions you have. In upcoming blog posts, I will address questions and share successes, confidentially or with your name.

Releasing Time as an external influencer and moving into Time as a Cosmic pulse, felt directly through your body, opens you to 5D consciousness. Ask me how: Send your questions about how to experience Time internally. I will reply to the questions in this blog.  Click here for more information on the gifts of our Moon.

The Void Moon Times this week include:

Sunday, December 19, 1:02 AM to 4:42 AM, EDT

SOLSTICE 10:59 AM EDT Tuesday, December 21, 9:44 AM to  4:54 PM, EDT

Friday, December 24, 1:40 AM to 3:25 AM, EDT

Here is a time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html

Good news! Santa’s deliveries will not be too impeded by the Christmas Eve void Moon times! When the Moon is Void, the energy is free-floating. It is hard to focus, and significant purchases made during Void Moon times often have to be returned. Activities like rest and reflection, going deep within are optimal choices when the Moon is void, or activities like cleaning and office organizing, if you can stay upright, that is!

Blessed Be!

See you next week!