The shift to 5D has happened. We are freer, more empowered, more conscious and aware, more sovereign, more connected and communal. And yet, we wait. We wait as we look out into the world and see actual and threatened structural dissolutions of a caring, compassionate society.
If we had long memories, the kind that recall transitions of Ages, we would likely know that what we see now in the world is part of the dismantling, restructuring process. The old dies completely, it seems, for the new to begin.
And what to do as we wait?
First, know your truth. Speak and stand and choose your own truth constantly, consistently, repeatedly.
Honour that you know your own truth. Allow for great self-care and self-validating reality checks.
Listen to your body. When you need rest, take it. When you need time off, do your best to recognize that as a priority for body and soul.
Feed yourself well, nutritionally. Food fuels the body and when we take an easy way out by choosing easy access processed food, our bodies and energy levels reflect this. Keep it simple, yet kept it nutrient rich.
Monitor your media intake. Here is an example of an adverse effect of too much noise: I have had to rely, lately, on my GPS lady for directions. To hear her, I turn Pandora on the car radio. Then, throughout the day, the songs I heard play repeatedly in my head. This is an intrusion I do not want and it hurts. I prefer silence when I drive, free of the after effects of mental, musical playback. This recent experience of songs replaying in my head is not okay.
Media exposure can be toxic to the personal energy field. Imagine what it does to the collective energy field! Whether it is reading the news online or watching on TV, or watching toxic TV shows and movies or listening to the radio or Pandora, our Souls feel this. If we are sensitive, our Souls do not like the intrusion on open inner space peace and quiet. Choosing media intake wisely, and in moderation, is crucial now during this time of dissolution and structural rebuild.
That leads us to meditation. Whatever that word, in practice, means to you, now is a time to choose it, daily.
Stay connected with friends near and far. Self- sovereignty is key to life in 5D, and so is communal heart connection. Feed your soul with the rays of love and understanding from others.
We have made the inner changes to living life in 5D. Now, we stand together, taking great self and communal care, and we wait.