What do you do when your only viable recourse is to stop thinking?

by | Jan 8, 2017 | Living the Intuitive Life


The other day I was forced out of thinking. I have written before about being too tired to think, however, on this recent day, external pressures mounted and my only viable recourse was to stop thinking.

Cessation of thought sinks us into present moment. As I prepared to embrace the day, I was aware of no thought and of centering through the Central Channel, that core column within that pulls up from the Earth, through the center of the body, out through the crown and into the infinite sky.  I was aware of being surrounded by a protective energy field, as if I was inside a shield of protection, a Merkabah.

I was acutely aware of being companioned by Present Moment on my right and Intuition on my left, sustained through my core and surrounded by the 10 directions, above, below, all around and within. I was ready, willing and free to breathe the unknown.


We have repeatedly heard the words, “We are Not Alone, We are One, We are Part of, We Belong.” Living this knowing is the New Now and thought restricts direct experience of this harmonic wholeness. Thought takes us out of present moment and into past or future. Past and future do not pulsate with Life, Now does.

In 5th Dimension consciousness, we weave through life as aware, resourced beings with spontaneous access to information. We meet each fresh moment and know what to do by breathing in the Now.

We are well-served to support ourselves in the New Now with practices of quiet, silence, meditation, reflection, journaling and creating. The action of creating builds the experience of confidence in not knowing. How many times have you created something and were surprised and astonished at what came into form? We’ve got this!

We are also well served by proper nutrition, adequate sleep, time in Nature, declining to overwork, and intimate and community relationships with humans and animals whom we love and trust.

We are especially well-served by movement, exercise or walks in nature and, particularly, ancient movement practices that have thousands of years’ experience working with energy flow – practices like qi gong, tai chi, yoga, sacred dance.

We have the chance, now, to replace thinking through and processing every encounter, every day, every obstacle, with a repertoire of self-care options that source us intuitively. These self-care options are called practices, because as we do them every day, we gain depth experience in inner wisdom. Inner wisdom is our main go-to in this time of not-knowing. Inner wisdom is the solid gold of self-love.

These practices of supreme self-care – movement, creativity, nature, nutrition, sleep, intimacy and community – build resilience that radiates through us and opens access to multidimensional consciousness. Life opens to us as we open to Life. This is 5D living, Now.

For me, after letting go of thought, the sensate awareness was Intuition on the left, Core centered, Present Moment on the right.  What is your experience? Please share in the comments section, below.
