As someone who follows natural cycles, including those of bodies in deep space, the recent discovery of the quasar that contains the largest amount of water in the Universe rivets my attention. We are connected with every living thing in the Universe and this body of water, even in deep space, reverberates with the water in and around us. Water is a conduit of intuitive knowing and connection.
The discovery of this massive amount of water represents a positive omen, a welcome guest, in our conscious awareness. The timing of when celestial bodies are brought into awareness speaks to an awakening of human consciousness. Its almost like we cannot let awareness of something in until we are ready to receive it.
From the 2004 South Asian tsunami and the 2005 destroying floods in New Orleans to the 2011 tsunami in Japan, water has come more into our consciousness as a cosmic force of power that shifts and moves things. Now we have this super amount of water power in our cosmic field through a deep space connection and things are changing.
This amount of water, 140 trillion times the amount of water in all the Earth’s oceans, according to news reports, represents a startling wake up call. Our field of intuitive knowing is expanding, as is our sense of connection.
Wanting to where this quasar is located, I contacted Philip Sedgwick, a leading galactic astrologer, and asked him where this quasar is in the zodiac. Philip replied that it is at 26 degrees, 14 minutes in the sign of Cancer. According to Sabian Symbols, a system of intuitive images for each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac, the image for 27 Cancer (you round up in Sabian Symbols) is “A violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes.” The Sabian Symbol for this quasar suggests that we are ready for the change that is coming, a leveling of the resources, financial and otherwise, that have been split between haves and have nots.
The current stalemate of negotiations in the United States regarding the debt ceiling speaks to this split. The disparity between rich and poor is at a breaking point in the United States and throughout the world. Change is coming and the discovery of this massive body of water is harbinger of this change.
One frame of reference that I use in my life is the nursing theory of Margaret Newman, Health as Expanding Consciousness. In this theory, a health, or another kind of crisis, perhaps financial, comes and disorganizes us. In a healthy response we are able to reorganize at a higher level of functioning. We go up the spiral to a higher level. We use the crisis to get better. It is the nature of crisis to disorganize, to have things fall apart and then reorganize, restructure. After Katrina, New Orleans really did not seem to come back. In talking with intuitive friends who have visited there recently, there seems to be no life there, on the energetic level. If I remember correctly, New Orleans was built against nature. The levees were engineered structures that went against nature. No one can go against nature for long and still keep going.
When the next storm comes, and disorganization happens, one response is to stay true to the currents of our water natures, our intuition and our emotions. Questions to ask your intuition include, “What do I want and how do I go about getting it?” Questions to ask your emotional nature include, “What do I feel and how do I release what I feel in safe and effective ways?” Pay attention to intuitions, body sensations, dreams and daydreams. Pay attention to surprise connections, chance meetings, chance opportunities. Allow water, the feeling nature of our beings, to guide us through our personal and collective storms. Open up to this big body of water that is our cosmic neighbor.
Here are some choice quotes about water for you to sip on:
Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong. Lao-Tzu
We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one. Jacques Cousteau
To understand water is to understand the cosmos, the marvels of nature, and life itself. Masaru Emoto
Water is the one substance from which the earth can conceal nothing; it sucks out its innermost secrets and brings them to our very lips. Jean Giraudoux