The Value of a Reset
Maybe you use the end of the calendar year, the birthday, or the end of your fiscal year to reflect and reset. You might not realize that each New Moon allows us to reset. In a 28-day cycle, the nightly love light in our sky gives us a chance to start new.
We do not throw the baby out with the bathwater with these fresh starts. We build on what we have understood, accomplished, and ventured forward. The New Moon offers spiraling new threads in the tapestry of our being.
We build on these refresh points to enhance self-understanding, our relationships, family life, work, creativity, and soul work. It is human nature to want second chances, and each New Moon gives us that.
Allow the New Moon to find its legs, maybe 24 to 36 hours into the new cycle, to allow the new conscious capacity to awaken. The New Moon phase is like the infancy phase in human growth and development. In flowing from the end of one cycle into the beginning of the next cycle, we move from formlessness into form. We take a while to wake up to the new life and opportunity.
Feeling the refresh and restart point of each New Moon represents subtle energy. The human body is resonant, though. If we slow down and allow for stillness, we can feel the ending of one Lunar Cycle and the beginning of the next. This embodied awareness translates into monthly fresh starts.
If you want to get started following the Lunar Cycle as a natural reset button for your physiology, vision, goal setting, intention manifesting, self and family caregiving, here are tips for getting started:
- Note the New Moon in the calendar that you use. Most calendars identify the date/time of each New Moon, and if this information is not in the calendar you use regularly, it is easy to input that information.
- Realize that each New Moon reflects the infancy stage of human growth and development. As the new cycle gets started, you might feel nebulous, unembodied, or ungrounded. That is part of the process which adds to the awareness of a new beginning.
- Within 24 to 36 hours of the New Cycle, you will probably feel stronger, clearer, and not as hazy or vague.
- Set intentions for what you want to begin or add to your current creation.
- For relationships, intimate and familial, consider celebrating each new lunar cycle, within three days of its start, with a meeting or a meal where you share accountability and plans. This is a time to check-in and keep fresh with what everyone wants and needs in real-time.
- Realize within yourself the chance to start new. Do you need to update the post-it notes on your mirror? Do you need to set new goals or deadlines? Remember, this is a 28-day cycle so that you can focus on short-term, easy, and flexible.
- Look up in the sky some night during the first week of the New Moon phase and see the shape of the Moon. Own that new beginning within you.
The above suggestions relate to the Collective Lunar Cycle, which covers all of us on Earth. As described in earlier posts, the Personal Lunar Cycle is determined by the phase of the Moon in which you are born. So, you can also access a second refresh point each Lunar month. I cannot stress enough how valuable a sense of this timing is to human wellbeing. The Collective and the Personal Lunar Cycles are how we spiral through life. They are innate rhythms within and around us.
A workbook on A New Relationship with Time is in the works, and more information on these natural cycles is included in that workbook. If you have questions before that workbook is published, please bounce back in the comments or email
Please also look up at the Moon and feel Her loving wisdom radiate back to you, permeating your physiology, consciousness, and heart.
Void of Course Moon Times this Week
If you are ever curious about why you lose the plot unexpectedly, consider checking out the Void of Course Moon. When there are no aspects – geometrical relations between the Moon and the personal planets – the Moon is Void. Buckminster Fuller taught us that energy is contained in the form.
Sacred geometry, the geometrical relationship between spaces, provides the forms to contain energy. Sacred geometry is everywhere–the seating dynamics of your dining table, conference room meeting, office set-up–anywhere people are gathered, a geometrical shape represents the social configuration.
As above, so below. The geometrical shapes formed in the sky between the Moon and a personal planet give form to the energetic structure that supports the function.
When the Moon is Void, there is no container for the energy to function. The energy is free-floating. These are perceptible feelings within the human body. I have people close to me, not interested in astrology, yet they have heard me talk about the Void Moon so often that they now feel it. They ask Aureal, where’s that Moon?
If efficiency is one of your high values, and if you do not want to waste time, money, or energy, paying attention to the Void Moon times warrants a look.
The Sun is Involved, Too
In the quantum leap to the 5th Dimension consciousness, the entirety of our cosmos transforms. Our Sun is in on this shift, too. We now have solar flares, sunspots, the Schumann Resonance, plasma downloads, and much activity that affects our physicality. It used to be that I could look at the Void of Course Moon tables and plan and schedule downtime. Now, with the Sun and atmospheric shifts involved, there is not an ephemeris, a table to look at for predictable times.
This is why it is vital to allow your body to be your timer in life. When you are tired, consider not pushing forward. Consider resting, restoring, and receiving the downloads, even if you are unaware of the higher frequencies being downloaded. Resting when your body wants that, stopping when it hurts to proceed, helps raise your frequency and, therefore, your capacity to do your work with more fulfillment and optimized outcome.
Practicing stopping and resting during Void Moons helps build the capacity to stop when our Sun and atmosphere raise frequencies. When we witness and positively respond to the atmospheric impacts, even if we do not understand them, we affirm our belonging as part of the whole.,, and many of the YouTube posters that share information on the Schumann Resonance are sources for more details on these electromagnetic and atmospheric changes.
Void of Course Moon Times
The Void of Course Moon times occurs according to your time zone. Please use the time zone link to determine the Void of Course Moon times where you live.
For all of us around the globe, the Void Moon times are relatively short this week. For the United States and Canada, Tuesday, May 31, afternoon and evening are affected, and morning or midday on Friday, June 3. For Europe, it looks like the Moon is void during late evening and overnight hours.
Even though the times are short, it still helps to stop trying to do business as usual during a Void Moon time because there is no form to contain the energy and the outcome is uncertain.
Void Moons: No form to contain the energy which feels free-floating and hard to focus. Heeding what your body wants during Void Moons — more internal focus, less external focus, and more stillness, quiet, and rest — are great ways to embody the Moon.
The Void Moon Times this week include:
Tuesday, May 31, 4:10 PM to Wednesday, June 1, 1:49 AM EDT
Friday, June 3, 11:15 AM to 2:39 PM EDT
Sunday, June 5, 7:13 PM to Monday, June 6, 2: 23 AM EDT
Here is a time converter:
Blessed Be. See you next week, at the Second Quarter Moon.