Fourth Quarter Moon, Wednesday, November 16, 8:28 AM to New Moon, Wednesday, November 23, 2022, 5:57 PM EST.

Moon Phase
The joy I feel when exploring current configurations of planets in deep space fills me with excitement and gratitude.
The newly discovered 5D planets are out in the deepest reaches of space. These kin help us expand our consciousness. Their interplay with the planets we know well raises vibrational frequency, giving us more room and guidance to step into who we are.
While there is a significant time investment in figuring out which planets are involved and what they bring, the writing comes quickly because a clear theme emerges through the planetary dance.
The theme for the last Quarter of this lunar cycle is soft and gentle yet critical. The opportunity is to recognize our reboot.
The caution this week is to avoid staying in a rut. There are many action steps one can take to dissolve stuckness.
A first step is to reach through to that feeling within that pulsates, “Now is the time.” We are in between who we were and who we are becoming. To make this transition, we allow our heart its power.
Avoiding too much thought is an antidote to the resistance of change and expansion. Going with heart resonance, with feeling, makes shifting consciousness easier and more organic.
What is on offer this week is a high-altitude perspective of what is possible. We must go high up, think of the flight of an eagle, and consider inspired possibilities. We are called on to access deep knowing within to feel, see, and perceive our pathway forward.
It is a magical time for manifesting when we eke out the confidence and free ourselves of entangled stuckness. It is a week to view ourselves through an eagle’s vision in flight.

This last week of the Lunar Cycle is a time to let go. The inner pull to slow and still allows for quiet reflection of our Souls’ aspirations. There are changes in what we love and want for our destiny, and it is time to tell the truth from deep within.
You might consider framing this week, from Wednesday, November 16, through Wednesday, November 23, as a time to be with yourself and your deepest longings. Imagine having a long-lost friend over for a week’s stay. You are the friend and there is catching up to do.
Befriend your soul’s longing. Know that what you want can become real when you release the bindings that have you stuck in a rut. This is a freeing time, and eagle vision can help you see, recognize, feel, and reach for the reboot of you.
Please consider ultimate self-care as you explore the positivities and creative possibilities in this tender week. Notice, feel, and flow with how the wind might be changing direction for you.
Maybe the cloud formations this week will have particular affirmations for you. Look up.
5D, Here, Now
Letting Go is the 5D Pillar of Access again this lunar week. We are retrofitting ourselves, and the old us is no longer viable. We walk through the dark as the new find its shape, form, and function. We must let go of what was to live what is.
There are many ways we can release the old and embrace the new. One way that works for me is to constantly frame the experience as birthing the new. First of all, what was no longer fits. Trying to hang on to the old feels futile. Bring the experience of unprecedented change into acceptance using gentle reminders, laughter, and courage boosts.
Please acknowledge that we are living on the edge of historical change. Wonder and magic can guide us as we stretch through the twists and turns of our rebirthing canal.
Practices that help this week include noticing when you feel frustrated or stuck. Notice, too, the animated excitement that pushes forward through the stuck points. Imagine yourself from the perspective of an eagle in flight.
Consider that this is a sacred time of unprecedented change. Change involves release. Find your comfort and safety in letting go.
The caution this week is to avoid staying in a rut. There are many action steps one can take to dissolve stuckness.
The deep space planets referenced in this blog post include Albion, Asbolus, Chaos, Deucalion, Eris, Ixion, Manwe, Mbabamwanawaresa, Nessus, Pholus, Praamzius, Pholus, Sedna, and Quaoar. If you want to learn about the deep space planets lighting your precious life, click here, or here, or here.
Void of Course Moon Times this Week
The four Void Moon times this week are brief, except for Monday, November 21, when the Void Moon lasts all morning for those in the United States and Canada and the afternoon and early evening for those in Europe. The dates and exact times are below, along with a time converter link to determine the times for your time zone.
Void Moons: No form to contain the energy which feels free-floating and hard to focus. Heeding what your body wants during Void Moons — more internal focus, less external focus, and more stillness, quiet, and rest — are great ways to embody the Moon.
Wednesday, November 16, 6:56 PM to 8:04 PM EST
Saturday, November 19, 3:47 AM to 5:58 AM EST
Monday, November 21, 6:14 AM to 12:16 PM EST
Wednesday, November 23, 1:16 PM to 3:16 PM EST
Here is a time converter:
Blessed Be. See you next week at the New Moon Phase.

Thank you so much Aureal.
Great insight, as I rise and change it is time to leave behind the old.
Much Love,
Thank you, dear Monica. What we are doing now is most challenging, yet going backward does not seem like an option. Courage, forward, together!