This New Moon Spirals us into a Dance of Integration

by | Jun 28, 2022 | 5D, Body Wisdom, Intuition, Living the Intuitive Life, Our Moon

New Moon, June 28, 10:53 PM to Second Quarter Moon, July 6, 10:14 PM EDT

Each New Moon spirals us higher, clearer, and cleaner into our becoming. The New Moon of June 28 welcomes us into a spiral dance of integrating vibrations–visible to invisible, feeling with knowing. It is an oceanic New Moon. If we allow time and space to recognize body intelligence, we might move progressively toward what we want for ourselves and humanity.

The New Moon is a time of action and new beginnings. If you have not already done so, allow this New Moon to initiate the shift of your modus operandi from mind to body. Your felt experience, intuition, imaginations, and inspirations are in the driver’s seat now. If you continue to operate from mind as the base of control, notice how far you get.

When we create the space, time, and discipline to listen to our body’s messages and intuitive knowing, we co-create the unfolding that delivers fulfillment.

This Moon helps us do that because its energies are about feeling through the body. This New Moon is also about nurturing self in ways that comfort, restore, and connect.

Please consider letting the Moon and her wavy light into your life. Feel how the sight of her sparks inner recognition. Feel how aligning with Her ebb and flow connects you with the natural world and keeps you on track. There is no ambivalence in our Moon’s love for you.

5D Here, Now

The 5D note this week is about how we navigate our lives through body intelligence. The mind has led the way for a long time, and that time is up. We are multidimensional beings, and the mind is out of range reception with multidimensional capacities.

We access multidimensionality through feeling, body wisdom, intuition, sensate perceptions, the dream state, inspirations, imaginations, and beauty that sparks the heart open. The mind has been helpful; however, it is not the leader these days. Body wisdom is the new leader, the latest upgrade, the newest version of current technology that connects us.

While AI takes more prominence in modern life, the divinely given, natural body and heart knowing is foolproof. The more we can activate our inner knowing and trust our life’s decisions to body intelligence, intuition, and higher consciousness, the stronger our connection with the noosphere, the land of invisible knowing. The more we build confidence and trust in ourselves, the more this inner confidence shows up as sovereignty. Nothing is more robust than the truth that we are powerful beings with infinite potential to solve and resolve challenges.

It might not seem like that now, given the world’s circumstances. Remember, though; the old ways are not dying gracefully; they are going out kicking and screaming. Watch as the old ways dissolve. We are in a transition period and are accountable for whether we stay in the presence of our power or stay stuck in what is dying.

Staying focused on the possibilities is challenging. It takes staying informed about what sparks beauty and nurturance for you, what truly feeds you. It takes connection with a community that supports you and your vision. Fear is not nourishing. Embodying your presence and your power is nourishing.


How do you switch from being directed by the mind to being led by sensate perception? How do you absorb the reality of the cultural shocks and keep the focus on what you want for yourself and humanity?

One way you transmute these contradictions is to remember that you are a multidimensional being. In the image that goes with this post, you see a body surrounded by light waves. That is us. Our energy fields perceive invisible energies. Everyday experiences of indivisible energies include experiences in the dream state and thinking of someone far away, either someone who has died or is geographically distant. The heart knows that these connections are live, real. It is our conditioning that only trusts what is tangible.

Our energy fields perceive invisible energies

The world’s wonder, magic, and miraculous beauty tell us that what is intangible can be trusted. We have free choice regarding which channels of multidimensional communications we receive and acknowledge. Our souls know. We can allow ourselves the space, time, and practice to live a soulful life.

When we live by the soul in contrast to the mind, we can latch onto those multidimensional vibrations that lead the way to our fullest becoming. The present is tough; by staying faithful to our heart’s truth and connecting to like-minded others, we can transcend the chaos and confusion of our turbulent culture and stay on the path of living in the highest vibrational frequency. It is where you look. It is not about looking away; it is about looking within.

If you would like to discuss how to cultivate the practice of looking within, living with multidimensional consciousness, of switching modus operandi from mind to heart and body, reach out here

Void of Course Moon Times this Week

This week there is a four-hour Void Moon that affects the Western half of the United States and Canada the most during regular business hours on Thursday, June 30. A two-hour Void Moon benefits those in England taking a Sunday afternoon nap and a Tuesday, July 5th, work break in the late morning for the Western half of the US and Canada and late afternoon for the Eastern half of the US and Canada. The exact times are listed below.

Void Moons: No form to contain the energy which feels free-floating and hard to focus. Heeding what your body wants during Void Moons — more internal focus, less external focus, and more stillness, quiet, and rest — are great ways to embody the Moon.

The Void Moon Times this week include:

Thursday, June 30, 4:14 PM to 8:40 PM EDT

Sunday, July 3, 5:59 AM to 8:32 AM EDT

Tuesday, July 5, 2:03 PM to 6:25 PM EDT

Here is a time converter:

Blessed Be. See you next week, at the Second Quarter Moon.