New Moon Eclipse, October 14 to Full Moon Eclipse, October 28, 2023

The wildest imagination could not have captured what has happened since writing at the last Full Moon: We are in the shake-up, breakup, explosive critical mass change that offers new consciousness, new frequencies, and new living from the heart.
In asking how we sync with the possibilities, I suggested that we get serious in this Major Breakthrough Time.
We see from world events that it is a breakthrough time, with humans harming humans beyond heart comprehension. We must move into our lives with love, vision, and purpose. If you feel like you do not know your purpose, that is fine. The intention to find and live it will help you understand your purpose.
In this New Moon Eclipse time, the seriousness of the energies continues. In these next two weeks and beyond, into six months due to the Eclipse, the path forward leads us to a feminine resurgence of accepting truth, unvarnished and having the courage to stand in and live it.
Here is a graphic of the energy potentials available now:

The planets helping us harness this new truth-based living include:

Wishing you peace, clarity, embodied empowerment, and heart connection with self, others, and the whole of our cosmos in these most powerful times. May the light and love of our Sun and Moon shine deep into your knowing.
If you would like to explore what a deep space planet-informed consultant can add to understanding your challenges and opportunities, schedule a chat here.
Thank you for sharing x