On subtle energy levels, the shift from summer to fall is from hot and dry to dry and cold. This information has been passed down to us from long ago ancestors who lived this knowing. Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Ayurveda, and the foundation of modern western medicine, the study and practice of herbs, are based on awareness of subtle energy shifts within seasonal changes.
Each season has three parts, a beginning, middle and end. These three distinct parts relate to the Sun’s movement through the three signs of the zodiac within a season. For Fall, this is Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Each of these parts relate to the three basic modus operandi of universal energy principles recognized by indigenous peoples and sacred teachings throughout most world systems. The beginning of a season is just that, an initiating time. The middle part of the season is a holding time, giving what was newly initiated the time and structure to gel and then be dissolved again, the ebb and flow of life, within the third part of a season.
This Fall
On Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 10:22 AM, Eastern Standard Time, we “officially” move into the Fall Season in the Northern Hemisphere. This time marking is based on when our Sun moves into the zodiac sign of Libra, according to some systems of the zodiac.
For the past several weeks, in the Northern Hemisphere, we have been feeling this dismantling of the summer season as, in the last part of summer, we moved from dry toward cold. We see this shift in the form of a little chill in the air, a look toward bringing out warmer clothing and a tendency toward food and drink that is more sustaining than summer fare.
To bring conscious awareness to what happens on these subtle energy levels helps us support our bodies, a most important asset as we move through the greater shift to the 5th Dimension. Our bodies are our knowing tools now. How we feel, what we sense through felt experience and intuitive awakenings, helps us navigate the territory of not knowing, which seems to be everywhere now.
If working consciously with this seasonal shift resonates with you, here are suggestions for supporting this shift on the triumvirate of body, mind and Spirit:
Consciously recognize the shift in food choices that your body wants. There are classic books in support of this shift, Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford and Staying Healthy with the Seasons by Elson M. Haas
Notice, and acknowledge, how your body wants to move in this new seasonal shift. Are you nudged toward a different kind of exercise or exercising at a different time of day; are your sleep patterns shifting?
We moved through late Summer discerning, separating wheat from chaff. We are left with what we want to keep. Part of this new season relates to Harmony and Beauty. How are we bringing both of these essential energies into our lives now? Are we bringing our minds home to what is essential to us, or are we still allowing ourselves to be distracted by nonessentials?
The cycles keep turning and with each turn we can spiral to a higher vibrational frequency. On a core level, the shift from summer to fall involves transition from active phase to contemplative phase. What have we learned through this Solar Year so far, since last Winter Solstice? How are we preparing ourselves for the end of the Solar Year? We have one season left, this fall season, before the next Solar Year starts with the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2016.
Goal setting can be tricky, however, it does help to acknowledge what we want and how we are contributing to or inhibiting that reach. In its essence, the Fall season is about Harmony, Power and Freedom. If these words feel too broad, notice how you instinctively shift with each of the three parts of this Fall Season. Feel the shifts! Dates are September 21, October 22 and November 21.
Body, mind and Soul benefit when we consciously acknowledge subtle invitations to honour and align with the energy shifts of the natural world.
May Fall be blessed, rich and colourful for you!