Sagittarius New Moon to Full Moon December 12 to 26, 2023

The Winter Season in the Northern Hemisphere approaches, and this is a time for rest, reflection, and preparation for renewal. The deep space planetary aspects from the New to Full Moon this Luna Cycle echo this reflective time, and they activate ancestral protection as we enter the dark season. We live in grave times where discernment is critical.
During these next two weeks, from New to Full Moon, we can:
- Give up the lower will fight
- Manifest inner authority
- Clarify values in preparation for the renewal
- Stretch to the high heavens through dreaming, intentions, sensate knowing, and intuition
- Allow the Golden Rule to guide self-care and interactions with others
- Stop hiding
- Face unconscious fears that block our Light
- Alleviate self-delusion through critical discernment
- Ground yourself in your heart’s devotion
- Use creativity to integrate separate parts into cohesion

Slow down. Listen and receive sensate knowing from nature, the dream, your intuition, your body’s wisdom. Take the time you need to discern. Conscious choice is critical. Express through creativity to recognize and welcome the New You. Find your anchor of trust – the essence of you within that both hears and answers your prayers. Activate this connection.
True to the nature of the season in the Northern Hemisphere, where I live, I am hibernating, diving deep within, luxuriating in the vast emptiness of this time. That, I find, is where the treasure is. I will not publish the Full Moon blog post in December. Wishing you the most joyous renewal during this sacred turning.