New Moon, September 25, 5:55 PM, to Second Quarter Moon, October 2, 8:15 PM, EDT
Moon Phase
The potency of this New Moon is that we see ourselves in a new light. We stretch into an expanded I AM experience and clarify who and what we love. We reflect on our specific roles as cosmic citizens. Through this process, we morph into an unanticipated new structure of ourselves.
This New Moon/new beginning brings an upside-down, inside-out realignment. Now begins a new season, a New Moon, and a new us.
While we have an entire 28-day cycle to grow into this new way forward, a first step is acknowledging the new beginning. I hope you can feel this fresh start viscerally, through your sensate body, and with a new willingness in your heart. While many have felt weary, the renewing impetus is palpable. An active uptake in the cosmic beat moves us into reformative action.
The chance in this New Moon is to orient to the newness as a felt experience and then communicate this newness.
Imagery helps now. If you have a crystal, hold it to the window and let the facets show themselves. Or, if you have a kaleidoscope handy, pick that up and look.
5D Here, Now
This lunar week’s energies link to the 5D Pillar of Access of Sovereignty. In claiming our sovereignty, we also claim our purpose. This week, the cosmic energies that permeate through us clear cobwebs and deliver real-time clarity.
This evolution is likely to reveal unanticipated expressions of self. These new expressions are us, though, the seedlings breaking through this new cycle of the Sun, the seasonal shift, and the Moon, the new lunar cycle.
It is time to wake up, feel a new prism of life, and let go of the old, outdated, and what is no longer serves us. Take a breath, one after the other; calm false fears, ground in our power of the Now.
Imagery helps now. If you have a crystal, hold it to the window and let the facets show themselves. Or, if you have a kaleidoscope handy, pick that up and look. These two tools are examples of how we are changing. We are shapeshifting into the new and present us. You can peek into the unfolding with open curiosity.
Our most recent ancestors, like those born from 1800 to 1930, had lives that were slower and steadier than our lives now. Change has speeded up, speeding up the process of evolution, too. We peal and shed and shave off parts of us that we knew well. However, those parts need upgrades. Honestly, there is nothing to fear. We were made for this time. We can release layer after layer of who we were to reveal our diamond essence.
Please consider trying to release the old as you breathe in the new. Get support where you need it. Talk with angels, guardians, guides, relatives, friends, and consultant helpers who have resonant relevance in your unfolding. Affirm your connection with your core, spirit, soul, and source, and with your inner knowing that helps you navigate change. While the nature, texture, and pace of this change are unprecedented, not evolving with the change means dead-end living.
We optimize the energies in this first lunar week by feeling and seeing ourselves in a new light. This evolution reflects sovereignty as you claim fulfillment of your life purpose. It is a decisive week.
Void of Course Moon Times this Week
The Void of Course Moon time is included each week because of my experience with this natural timing pattern. In my birth chart, the planet Venus is in the sign of Capricorn. This placement means that efficiency holds high value for me.
Wasting time or resources feels horrible to me. Maximizing efficiency is why I have befriended the Void Moon for at least the past forty years.
Being self-employed, I manage my schedule. I have been known to get to my desk at 7 PM after the Moon is no longer Void or to work on a weekend day when a Void Moon impacts a Monday through Friday. When you schedule appointments with me, you will see no openings during Void Moon times.
While it takes energy to plan and schedule around Void Moons, I do so because of the ROI. I have been burned too often, not respecting a Void Moon. The consequences include redoing work, loss or lack of impact related to the work, and energy depletion.
I feel the Void Moons as bio cosmic energies pulling me inward. These embodied experiences include feeling void, nebulous, and floating. I like these feelings because their richness goes beyond the literal understanding of productivity. Void Moons are very productive for accessing what is not known by the mind alone.
In the interest of conservation and decreasing stress, the invitation is extended to track the outcomes of activities you undertake during Void Moon times. See if you waste energy and resources when you plow ahead with meaningful work during a Void Moon time.
It took me two years to fully get the message, so please consider giving yourself time to feel the Void Moons as internal clocks that benefit from a calibrated work schedule.
Send questions about planning and scheduling with Void Moons. Commenting about your experiences in aligning with them is also most welcome.
The Void Moon Times this week include:
An almost four-hour Void Moon adds to slow Sunday vibes.
A seven-hour Void Moon on Tuesday affects late morning, afternoon, and early evening work hours in the United States and Canada and evening and nighttime hours in Europe.
Thursday’s seven-hour Void Moon affects late afternoon and evening hours in the United States and Canada and nighttime hours in Europe.
A nine-hour Void Moon occurs late afternoon, evening, and nighttime in the United States and Canada and overnight hours in Europe.
The exact Void Moon times, listed in the United States and Canada Eastern Time Zone, are below, along with a time converter link to calculate the times for where you live.
Void Moons: No form to contain the energy which feels free-floating and hard to focus. Heeding what your body wants during Void Moons — more internal focus, less external focus, and more stillness, quiet, and rest — are great ways to embody the Moon.
Sunday, September 25, 8:50 AM to 12:43 PM EDT
Tuesday, September 27, 12:21 PM to 7:15 PM EDT
Thursday, September 29, 5:20 PM to Friday, September 30, 12:04 AM EDT
Saturday, October 1, 5:47 PM to Sunday, October 2, 3:38 AM
Here is a time converter:
Blessed Be. See you next week, at the Second Quarter Moon.