Power Dates

by | Jul 20, 2011 | Living the Intuitive Life, Natural Cycles Timing

Intuition leads the cover story of the August 2011 issue of Oprah magazine. While this feature is chockful of intuitive techniques, one technique not mentioned is alignment with natural cycles.


The core of my work with intuition is alignment with natural cycles. We are nature beings and the cycles of nature synchronize with the cycles of our bodies and inner life. Imagine the benefits when we acknowledge and align with natural cycles! The link between inner and outer gets clearer and intuition gets stronger, as does and a sense of safety in connecection with Life.


Coming up are three pivotal sets of dates that provide powerful openings for synchronizing alignment with the natural world. The first of these dates is Monday, July 25, 2011.


In the Mayan Calendar, this is the “Day Out of Time.” It is like a free day, a pivotal, potent day that occurs between the end of one Mayan Calendar year and the next. In all cyclical systems, there is a gap, a gasp of stillness, when one cycle ends and the next begins.


In my experience over decades working with natural cycles, this gap of stillness has the potential to take us out of the experience of duality and into the experience of unity, oneness. It might be momentary, a split second, however, it is a visceral experience. This melting of duality, the sense of separation, happens on the subtle level as one cycle flows into the next. It is an exquisite moment of vivid presence.


Day Out of Time is a day of celebration and creativity, fun and play. It is a border crossing time and it is good to go into it with awareness of its potential for change. If you would like further information on this Day Out of Time, search those keywords, as well as Mayan Calendar and immerse yourself in unfolding mystery.


The second set of power dates coming up occur from 9:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, July 27, 2011 to 02:16 AM, Eastern Daylight Time on July 30, 2011. During this time, the Sun is in the sign of Leo and the Moon is in the sign of Cancer. These signs represent the home bases of the two primary lights in our life, the Sun and Moon. There is a natural order here and the opportunity is to synchronize with our own true nature in alignment with Life. Notice how you feel, what you want, what you want to do and transmit wishes, hopes, dreams and desires, as well as constructive actions, into the Universe.


Scientists tell us that eggs can stand on end during the days of the equinoxes. The Sun in Leo and the Moon in Cancer represents a similar potency of vertical axis alignment of us within nature. It happens once a calendar year and it is ours to acknowlege and enjoy.


The third set of pivotal dates coming up is two-fold. August 8, 2011 is the cross -quarter day. In the Cardinal Cross of our existence, North, South, East and West, cross-quarter days represent a fulcrum, the pivotal turning from one season to the next. Cross-quarter days are potent times for listening for direction. Spending time in nature helps access deep listening.


Two days before this, August 6 and 7th 2011 are potent manifesting days when our Sun is at the midpoint of the Galatic Center and the Super Galactic Center. We are in a pivotal configuration with our cosmos during this time, one that represents a sublime alignment with our galaxy. Again, this is a time to discern with kindness and wisdom what it is we want and need and then reach out with open arms, releasing wishes, wants, needs and desires on one hand and opening to receive, on the other hand, intuition and inner wisdom regarding the fulfillment of those wishes, needs, wants and desires.

Alignment with natural cycles represents a powerful technique for opening intuition and knowing how to live the potential of who we are as co-creators with Life. Our life, on planet earth, in a living galaxy.