Personal Dark Moon, December 8 2012

by | Dec 7, 2012 | Living the Intuitive Life

Orion's Umbra

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As I have shared many times and in many places before, in 1993, through a kinesthetic body experience, I “recovered” (in contrast to discovered!) a pattern of energy that is based on the phase of the Moon in which one is born.  Since that time I have lived with this cycle, planned life around its optimization, teach the technique and use it with intuitive counseling clients.  It has always been a hard sell, as modern life has been far removed from living with the rhythms of the Moon. When I first started blogging, I wrote posts about my experiences with this cycle.  It has been awhile since I have shared in that way.  A recent upsurge in client requests for this work and my own experience in this particular dark moon personal cycle prompt me to write this post.

Everyone has their own phase of the Moon in which they are born, one half of the two half cycle (New Moon to Full, Full to Dark Moon), one phase out of the 28 phase cycle, one phase out of the four quarter phase cycle, one phase out of the Moon’s eight phase cycle. Your sun/moon phase angle is unique to you. My sun/moon phase angle is when the sun and the moon are at 290 degrees apart each lunation, toward the end of the lunar cycle. Those of us born in the last half of the cycle tend to need a fuller stop in our dark Moon phases than those born in the first half of the cycle.

My new moon in the personal cycle occurs at 2:46 AM December 8, 2012, less than 12 hours of my writing this post. The New Moon, in both the personal and collective cycle is like the reset button and the three days before the New Moon, especially the 24 hours before, is known as the Dark of the Moon.

Ordinarily during this dark moon time , I take to the bed, reading mysteries or simply resting.  I have done some of that this dark moon. I also find myself upright, writing and it feels good. Leading in to this dark moon phase of the cycle I have had two days of down time. I have had appointments, however, easy and with no external pressure.  So, I come into this phase more relaxed than I usually am in my personal dark moon time.  The one word that comes to describe this particular cycle is sweet.  There is a lot of ease surrounding me right now, perhaps that ease has always been there and I am simply noticing it more.

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fdecomite via Compfight

Manifestation is another energy that is showing up in this dark moon phase.  Some posts earlier, I wrote about wanting a colouring book that had images of toruses in it. I did found a colouring book and gifted myself with it as a holiday gift. It arrived and I am working with it, however, it takes a lot of time to colour a page in this book and that is not how I want to spend time right now.  Seeing the image of torus in this book sparked the memory of slinkys.  Yesterday, I went out in search of a slinky and found one.  Quick manifestation has been happening a lot lately and I love it.  Maybe direct manifestation experiences are taking some of the edge of life off, allowing for more trust and ease.  I am also making more connections with people through direct contact and social media.  Meaningful connections, seeing and being seen, always helps as a life support.

I have the slinky on my desk, it is a small one, quite transportable, and as I play with it and bring it into its own full circle, there is tangible, visual reminder of what my teacher, Michele Mayama suggests: that the shape of our chakras are shifting into the torodial shape. The movie Thrive sources energy in the universe as related to the torus shape.

With the dark Moon in the personal lunar cycle, there seems to be a homecoming of sorts; of information and experiences settling in as one cycle completes and the next cycle is about to begin. As the torus shape shows us, there is continual unfolding, circle upon circle.  In a torus, the edges are softer, rounder, folding over into one’s self for a distinct experience of completion  continued. That is what the moon’s cycles do, too.