Fourth Quarter Moon, July 20, 2022, 10:19 AM to New Moon, July 28, 1:55 PM EDT
Even though this is the end of the Lunar Cycle, generally a time to put our feet up, the energy is intense. Passion, ambition, and emotions abound, and there is little patience to let the dust settle.
On a collective level, it seems like there is a groundswell to protect our Earth and one another. This protective energy is impacted by the urgent need for protection and our inner imperatives for telling the truth.
Please consider taking extra care of yourself by opting for patience as the go-to choice. Breathe through challenges, anchor into inner knowing, and stay with your truth.
We do not see the whole picture, and we do not have all the answers. We are in this together, though—the cumulative power of our good intentions and love for all fuels positive change.
Not an easy week, by the looks of it. Yet, we can all do our part by being clear about what we want for ourselves and all of humanity. There are legions of us with the vision of global justice and equity, affirming – out loud – the beauty and power of innate human dignity.
This is an unprecedented time in human history. Being one who lives the light takes more courage and a stronger community than we can ever remember needing.

5D Here, Now
This week’s lunar energy ties into the 5th Pillar of Access to 5D, Letting Go. It is tricky to let go when our hearts are so connected to truth and justice, yet the circumstances around us seem to reflect everything except that.
We are called to do two things simultaneously. Let go of helpless hopelessness and focus on what we feel, know, and aspire to live, our innate human grace and dignity.
We do not have a complete picture of the current circumstances and do not know the timeline. We know that we are between two dimensions of consciousness. The old way is dying, and the new way is birthing.
Anyone who has witnessed a birth, animal, or human knows major shapeshifting is involved. And that pain comes with the process.
Countless people understand justice to represent equity, sovereignty, and the fundamental human rights of all people to work, be paid a living wage, have functional housing, and have the opportunity and means to fulfill one’s life purpose. When we collectively feel this vision as reality, it can happen. 5D is collaborative; 3D is competitive.
This is an unprecedented time in human history. Being one who lives the light takes more courage and a stronger community than we can ever remember needing.
We look around, here, there, and everywhere on the planet where injustice and lack of fairness surface. Yet, each new breath can bring us closer to the loving fairness and equality we want for ourselves and others.
Do you know that saying of the Indian telegraph or, in Australia, the Bush telegraph? It is a way communication spreads. That’s what we have a chance to do now. We can send our heart radiance out to the whole world, to the hot spots and the burning issues. The power of our collective radiance lifts the vibrational frequencies, and when we keep the vibration high, that changes things.
As many thought leaders say, the outcomes have not yet been written. We are creating them.
Letting go of hopeless helplessness and aligning human will with divine will is one way to keep our heads above water in these super challenging times. Our power and our passions have developed over time. We have grown them by working on fulfilling our life’s purpose. Now is not the time to release our vision or to lessen our reach.
We are way showers, light spirits, and thought leaders. We are who we are, and we know what we know. In these super challenging times, it is time to connect globally with other pure-hearted people, whether directly or energetically, and beam out our radiance and goodwill.

How do you let go while waiting for your long-held dreams to manifest?
Use water when you can. Swim, use images of water, and splash your face, neck, and wrists. Let cold water run over your wrists as you wash your hands. In the shower or the bath, invoke the power of water to allow heavy emotions, broken-hearted disappointment, and abject discouragement to wash off you.
Another way to let go is to switch from the mind to the heart. Let go of putting the weight on your mind to figure something out. Drop your consciousness down into your heart. Express your feelings and your needs and ask on the frequency wave of the heart to inform you of solutions, strategies, and coping mechanisms. Ask your heart to help maintain a sense of equilibrium during these super-challenging times. Hold steady to the regulating rhythm of your breath and your heartbeat.
Also, communicate. Talk to your family, friends, communities, and yourself through a journal or artwork. Talk to your spiritual helpers. Angels, archangels, ascended masters, gods, goddesses, spiritual and lineage ancestors, and all benevolent beings.
Communicate how rough it is right now and how challenging. Ask for help. Watch how the help comes.
There is also something called the morphogenic field. This is an energy field where we can call on people living and dead to help us. We can call on people like Martin Luther King to ask how he had the patience to keep going. The historical figures who light up your life, who shine their wisdom on your path, are available through this morphogenic field. It is a living energy field, and you can ask for the help of someone you have long admired. The depth of the resources and support is unlimited. Our part is to open our hearts, connect, and ask.
Communicate how rough it is right now and how challenging. Ask for help. Watch how the help comes.
A Personal Story
Every single house that I have lived in as an adult has had a beehive while I lived there. I was aware of this repeating pattern as a signifier of a special connection with bees. One might say that I took this sacred occurrence for granted.
It was not until the other day that I finally got it — the bees are there to companion me. Like many others, I find this shift to the 5th Dimensional consciousness to be a challenging time. There is the super-hot weather, the isolation choices to stay healthy – I am still doing that – the challenge to let go of 3D and live in 5D. Changes in diet, relationships, work, all of it. No exceptions.
As I take the groceries out of the car’s trunk, I see that part of a beehive has fallen to the ground due to heavy rains. I ask permission to pick it up. Permission is granted, and I do pick it up. My whole being bowed to this direct gift, reflecting that I am seen, heard, held, and loved.
This fallen piece of the beehive is a gift from the Universe, from the bees, reminding me of the eternal, always constant connection of help. Then, the next day, bringing in the garbage bins from curbside pick-up, I find another piece of the beehive.
The beauty, the exquisite sacred geometry, the harmony, and the fact that bees manifested this sturdy, gentle creation astounds me. It is beyond gold or multimillion dollars in the bank. It is love, bearing witness, pure and simple. All is well. Keep going, keep creating.
I finally acknowledge the bee as one of my primary animal totems. A sacred union, divinely ordained.
Please take some time to feel who your special helpers are. Maybe your special helpers come from the angelic realm, fairy realm, animal realm, deep under the sea, or high above us in deep space, from the star realm. Maybe they are spiritual or lineage ancestors.
Ask, ask, ask. Pay attention to the signs that come your way. Then invite your special helpers into your life. They are there, waiting, and willing to be recognized, acknowledged, and included in the embrace of your life.
If you want to explore your elemental companions or how to facilitate your shift into 5D, reach out here.

Void of Course Moon Times this Week
In the United States and Canada, we have some Void of Course Moon times that will likely disrupt the workday on Wednesday, July 20, and Monday, July 25. Europeans will have a Void of Course impact during the very early morning hours Thursday, July 28, and only for a short time. The exact times are listed below, along with a time converter link.
As I have written before, Void Moons are like a snow day for me. I plan and schedule around them because I have wasted effort and resources trying to plow through them.
I regard Void Moon times as a respite. For those who show up for work during a Void Moon time, consider scheduling things like deleting old emails, catching up on filing, and activities that do not require a lot of focus or concentration.
Void Moons: No form to contain the energy which feels free-floating and hard to focus. Heeding what your body wants during Void Moons — more internal focus, less external focus, and more stillness, quiet, and rest — are great ways to embody the Moon.
The Void Moon Times this week include:
Wednesday, July 20, 10:19 AM to 2:23 PM EDT
Friday, July 22, 7:45 PM to Saturday, July 23, 1:11 AM EDT
Monday, July 25, 4:15 AM to 1:54 PM EDT
Wednesday, July 27, 8:54 PM to Thursday, July 28, 2:36 AM EDT
Here is a time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html
Blessed Be. See you next week, at the New Moon.