New Moon to Full Moon, September 14 to September 29, 2023
The image that revealed itself as I worked on the data for this New to Full period is one of nebulous threads of our new beingness spiraling upward, finding their form. Here is a representation of that image.

These planets of deep space seem to work together, delivering different threads of the same message. Essentialized, the message I understand for these two weeks is:
We are breaking through to new consciousness
We are becoming new
Release what has died
Open to the bigger picture
The Planets Involved

Specifics include:
Triad integration of masculine/feminine, Self/Other into Light
Transmute rigidity into fusion
Find the fierce purity between the concrete and the abstract
Watch for resistance to intuitive knowing
Release the critic, perfectionist, acting from loss, deficit, bitterness, and pouting
Reckon with the big medicine of light and dark
Find the plumb line of integrity
Choose clarity over confusion. Allow the void — spending time in quiet stillness – to propel you. This is working with those nebulous threads to form the new.
Consider letting the power of nurturing self-love lead you to a new structure of justice
Ground in Spirit to Earth living
Allow the threads of evolution (animal, mineral, rational, imaginal, spiritual)to help power through choice. This experience represents the active phase of those nebulous threads finding their new form.
Break the mold, feel the new I AM
Welcome and support the new parts of you
Open to infinite possibilities beyond preconception. What is happening is more expansive than ever
Align your will to align with Divine Will for the rebirth of you
Consider letting the trail of grief pull you forward
Claim the tender, fragile, preciousness of life at the crux of sky/earth spiritual/human existence
Be open to a sudden understanding of a new path forward
Befriend yourself
Brave New World, new circumstances, new you
Please let me know how this information lands with you. Do you find it useful? Helpful? Do you have questions? Reply in comments or by email. Thanks!
Stations and Occultations
September 15 Mercury stations direct (8 vi 0’12”)
September 15 Ixion stations direct (2 cp 13’44”)
September 16 Occultation of Mars by the Moon (13 li 8’22”)
September 20 Quaoar stations direct (6 cp 38’33”)
September 20 Altjira stations retrograde (19 ge 38’51”)
September 21 Pholus stations direct (5 cp 42’31”)
September 24 G’kunll’homdima stations retrograde (21 ge 1’43”)
September 28 Occultation of Neptune by the Moon (26 pi 0’59”)