Fourth Quarter Moon Saturday, April 23, 7:57 AM

Acknowledging the link between inner and outer offers a golden ticket to peace. For eons, we have been conditioned, as humans, to override the inner experience at all costs. One way to align inner with outer is to recognize the link between our energy and cosmic energies.
It used to be that one could look at the Lunar calendar and equate energy levels according to the phase of the Moon or the void Moon. Now, we must factor in solar activity and plasma bursts as we energetically align with the cosmos. If we trust the body’s wisdom, we can slow and stop with less resistance than when a mindset of forcing through attempts to push through to stay in control.
Besides the Moon, other forces pulled us to a slowdown last week. If you track space weather alerts, you already know that last week was especially active with solar events like sunspots, solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and radio wave blackouts. It is unclear how these solar activities affect human physicality, yet they do. This past week, it felt like molasses was in my blood.
It’s Elemental
Our elemental constitution gives clues regarding how easy or challenging it is to let go and be slow. We each have a specific combination of earth, air, fire, and water energies. These natural qualities are based on the elemental make-up of cosmic energies in our birth chart. However, it is possible to recognize your elemental strong suit without looking at your birth chart. The elements represent who we are and how we show up in life.
People with predominant earth or fire energy want to keep going. Earth energy is determined and needs to see to believe. Earth energy people exercise regularly, are good with finances, and are practical. Fire energy combusts with passion and blazes through obstacles to reach the end goal. Fire energy people are creative, spiritual, enthusiastic, and confident.
It is easier for people with predominant water or air energy to float and flow. People with water energy are fluid, emotional, empathic, and resourceful, like water flowing around obstacles. People with air energy are communicators, abstract thinkers, and connectors. Air people do not need to see to believe. Water energy feels, and air energy floats on the abstract rather than the absolute.
One way to maintain a sense of stability in these challenging times is to honor the body. When it needs rest, please consider resting. Watch and observe how things still get done. Rest is part of the productivity cycle. Inspiration, deeper understanding, and connecting the dots can happen when we allow space and release from the tendencies of pressure and force.
If it is challenging for you to rest, consider resting in ways that allow you to still feel productive, like exercising in nature or doing something creative.
The body is timer now. Feel the pull to stillness in the blood and the bones. Let up on forcing forward in downstream times. Allow the cosmos to support your slowing and stopping.
This week, in the last phase of this Lunar Cycle, the Moon slows down. With the ebbing Lunar Tide, you will likely feel the pull to slow down and be still. If you feel that natural rhythm in your body, may you heed it and allow for the bounty that pausing can bring.
On April 30, 2022, the upcoming New Moon is a partial Solar Eclipse. Having inner and outer resources aligned helps maximize the potent eclipse energy.
We are stretching into versions of ourselves that are fuller than we could have imagined before this leap to 5D. I am here to help you move through challenges in this quantum shift. Schedule a time to discuss how we might work together at I also work with astrology in an innovative way that recognizes our bidirectional relationship with the planets. For more on this, check out: Information, Intuition, Integration. For more information on the changes involved in this shift, check out 5D Ordinary Descriptions of an Extraordinary Shift.

Void of Course Moon Times this Week
The Void Moon times this week are, again, brief. Please consider pacing yourself and your work effort during the times listed below. Efforts extended to vital projects can be wasted during Void Moon times. Work better suited to Void Moon times includes resting, daydreaming, filing, or catching up with work colleagues while taking a break.
Void Moons: No form to contain the energy which feels free-floating and hard to focus. Heeding what your body wants during Void Moons — more internal focus, less external focus, and more stillness, quiet, and rest — are great ways to embody the Moon.
The Void Moon Times this week include:
Sunday, April 24, 5:57 PM 8:34 PM to Monday, April 25, 6:15 AM EDT
Wednesday, April 27, 9:36 AM to 12:10 PM EDT
Friday, April 29, 5:38 PM to 8:19 PM EDT
Here is a time converter:
Blessed Be. See you next week, with the New Moon Eclipse.