The potency of this Time is palpable. I am curious to hear how you are feeling it; for me, the potency feels like a bubbling brew stirring in the cauldron as we wait, and then wait some more.
There is a busyness in this season, especially during the first month of Fall. While that busyness plays out on one dimension of consciousness, it seems there is a pull toward another layer of consciousness, transposed over the busy layer. This overlay is of stillness.
With the shift to the 5th Dimension, it seems that we are calmer, slower, more deliberate and conscious in our lives and choices than ever before. While the Fall season stirs with activity, it feels that this overlay of stillness brings calm, patience and serenity. This new layer of observing, in contrast to reacting, vibrates with a frequency that All is Well, and that, accepting responsibility, we are the authority within our own lives.
During Fall in the Western Hemisphere, we start layering sweaters and jackets over our clothes. In this Evolutionary Time, it is much the same. We are overlaying normal consciousness with higher frequencies. This overlay allows for calm observance of daily life and a panoramic view of previously unseen possibilities.
If things are not as you want, a vital key is to be crystal clear, and consistent, with what you do want. One way to do this is to open your Second Chakra, between your naval and perineum, in the lower abdomen. Open this area with breath, colour, Light, Movement and Love. The Second Chakra is about what we want and when the tissue, muscle and fascia there is tight, contracted and constricted, it is hard to materialize what we do want. Relax the lower belly; rub it like a genie!
Perhaps this functional overlay is part of the fusion of Light and Life on Earth; perhaps it is the multidimensional spectrum of integration, or interplay, between the 3rd and 5th Dimensions. There is more light, more translucence within the physical experience now; while we remain grounded on Earth, we are becoming less dense, more Light. This lightening allows for greater awareness of other possibilities and more freedom of choice.
It goes without saying that one cannot enjoy the overlay and still listen to, read or get caught up in mainstream news. Some of us have answered the call to not be pulled into the drama playing out within the world, Instead, we tune into the rising frequencies. Cutting off from the news, you will still hear and learn what is happening. You just have, by choice, more lift in the sky for an enhanced view.
How are you experiencing the Potency of Now and the overlay of Stillness? Please share in the comments section, below!