We are at a critical point in the shared story of our lives. The election has happened, and like Brexit in England, many were shocked by the results of the American process.
What has happened since then is that people are gathering together in committed ways. This is a time, like other pivotal times in history, when empowered people come together, collectively.
One example of this is the Women’s March scheduled for the day after the inauguration. In support of protected rights for all, women are marching in Washington, D C, and other cities throughout the United States, in a grassroots movement of solidarity, advocacy and resistance.
That is one path to action. There are other paths, as well.
On November 8, 2016, a day after the US election, Kara Schallock, a wise woman whose work I respect, admire and follow, posted this on her Face Book page, Ascension: The New:
“Where are you still playing in duality? It takes deeply looking at yourself, your thoughts and actions to see. For instance, if you vote, you are playing in duality. If you judge yourself or another or a group, you are playing in duality. When you play in duality, you keep it strong; you delay Unity Consciousness.
The Truth of you is Love; there is no duality in Love. Yes, we are all in different phases of consciousness and as we become more aware, we see where we play in the much alive game of duality; of separation; and where we refuse to play and choose Love instead. Duality is all around us, so it’s quite easy to get sucked into what “everyone” else is doing. It takes Courage to stand in your Truth…who you say you are. You may be ostracized, ridiculed and pushed away. Yet, Ascension calls for us to stand in our Truth bravely. Ascension certainly isn’t about being a follower or being popular.
If you complain about a system, you add to the duality. Let us be more and let us be strong and courageous and willing to move just a bit higher than where we are right now.”
And then the other day, on my Facebook feed, came this informative article by Danielle Egnew, a psychic whose work is new to me. In the article, Danielle Egnew shares why she is not talking about the President-Elect.
Both women appear to be choosing the path of maintaining a vibrational frequency that resonates above the Third-Dimension story now.
Which is yours to do now? Is yours a role of activism, speaking out, standing together, becoming politically active through spreading the word to others, making calls to elected officials, organizing? Is your role now one of vibrating with a frequency that resonates above the 3D story? Perhaps your role is a combination of the two or something else altogether? Please share in the comments section, below.
In this quantum consciousness shift to the New Field, one world is dying and needs hospice care and the new world is birthing and needs midwifery care. Which is your path now? We are each called on, as human beings central to this quantum shift in consciousness, to stake and claim our own path at this critical time. Everyone’s path is unique and there are evolutionary stretches involved with each path.
Those who are activists, helping the old way dissolve, must accommodate family, work and personal time to march and walk with others, to raise their voices in harmonic frequency with hundreds of thousands of other women.
Those who are helping birth the New are focusing on the higher frequency vibrations and must go deep in following an inner truth that might also be a lonely path now.
There is no one right way; every way is valid if it is your truth.
Intuition informs you of your path. Ask, listen, and request support. Please say yes. NOW is the time to Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning.
Great call to resolve!