Dear Readers,
Both the Lunar Eclipse of the last Full Moon and the recent Solar Eclipse of this New Moon made direct contact with planetary placements in my birth chart. It has taken me awhile to receive, absorb, assimilate, integrate and reconfigure. Now, I am back to writing this blog.
The eclipse energies brought an imperative for living in the moment. There is no time to waste in being distracted. The focus is, as Matt Licata says, “What is most true now.” Honouring what is most true in each moment represents a way of life in this New Time, and it takes practice.
One awareness that has come up for me as most true is how intuition, or Conscious Awareness, arrives in split second awareness. What follows is a shared experience of “In a Flash Knowing.”
Our intuition is connected to a vast Source and Resource of informing help. There is an entire Universe conspiring to participate in even the most mundane aspects of our lives.
For decades, I have been dressing with the Moon. The Moon changes zodiac signs every two and a half days, and each zodiac sign is associated with a colour. I chose to wear a colour of that day, and this is how I dress with the Moon.
The colours of the zodiac, as I understand them, are listed below. As one Buddhist teacher told me long ago, “Everyone has a piece of the truth.” If you search online for colours of the zodiac, you will see other associations. The ones below represent what I have been working with and have come to know, over decades of use.
Aires – Red spectrum, including orange
Taurus – elegance and soft colours, like beige, muted blues
Gemini – gray, black/white, silver
Cancer – blues and browns
Leo – Red, pink, coral
Virgo—gray, black/white, silver
Libra – elegance, blues
Scorpio – black, red, purple, sexy
Sagittarius – skirts for women, turquoise
Capricorn – brown, black
Aquarius – anything goes
Pisces – white, light greens
We know colours transmit vibrational frequencies and wearing a colour associated with the sign the Moon is in helps me feel in alignment with the cosmos. I love it when I encounter people who are wearing the colour of the Moon for that day and have no clue about the zodiac association. I am in awe of people who pick up these frequencies, consciously or not and go with them. Kudos, deep respect, fearless!
In the Northern Hemisphere, we are approaching a change of season. The weather has not changed much, yet the mood and orientation have, and summer clothes no longer carry the day. It is not cold enough for fall clothes. Finding midseason clothes to wear on any given day can be a challenge.
Preparing to dress one recent day when the Moon was in Scorpio, I looked through everything in my closet that would speak to Scorpio Moon, and nothing came up. I let the choice of clothing go as I did other things in preparation for leaving for the day. Before I even approached my closet to look again, in a split second, the choice of clothes became clear: a black tee and an animal print skirt. This choice came out of the ethers, as I did not consciously notice this selection when I first looked for what to wear.
I was delighted with the choice; the clothes fit the Moon colour of the day, and my intuition directed me. I felt supported and connected with a responsive Universe.
I have written about this before: Living in the Moment requires trust. Worry, stress and fretting lock out trust. One “most true” dynamic is that we have helpers; we are not alone.
Our intuition is connected to a vast Source and Resource of informing help. There is an entire Universe conspiring to participate in even the most mundane aspects of our lives, such as what to wear.
When we activate the living truth experience of Conscious Awareness (a new descriptor of Intuition) in small matters, we can release more completely into its embrace in the larger matters of life.
Please share in the comments section your experiences of “in a flash knowing,” when Conscious Awareness is your guiding companion.