Another Mercury Retrograde period approaches and the one coming feels like a doozy. As I have written before, Mercury Retrograde occurs three times a year with an approximate three week retrograde period, and a shadow and post retrograde period of varying lengths. The dates for our next Mercury Retrograde period are:
Shadow period starts March 26, ends April 8
Retrograde period starts April 9, ends May 3
Post Retrograde period stars May 4, ends May 21
In astrology, Mercury governs communication and all things mechanical and technical. In our current world, that is a lot of territory!
In both direct and reported experiences, these recent glitches suggest that the Mercury retrograde period has already started:
Google shared calendar app that was working, stops working
An institution’s internet connection is sporadic for an entire day, unable to sustain service for longer than a few minutes at a time. Little to no online work can be done.
A doctor’s office confirms an appointment that was not ever made for a condition not experienced. Wrong patient? Miscommunication of test results?
These experiences are typical of what happens during Mercury retrograde periods. The snafus cause frustrations with accompanying effects, like increased stress, high blood pressure, sugar cravings, insomnia, anger and depression.
Knowledge is power. When we know that a pattern of celestial play in the sky reflects experiences here on Earth, it helps to take earthly frustrations and stalemates in stride.
If frustrations associated with this Mercury Retrograde period come your way, here are suggestions for coping:
Accept your present moment
Breathe. Putting right hand in the middle of the chest and left hand two fingers below navel, with pressure as light as a feather, helps calm and center rather quickly.
Once calm, immerse yourself in the experience of No Time. Concurrent with that is the deep, inner knowing that All is Well.
From this place of direct experience of peace within presence, identify your options and summon your resources.
Release blame, shame, and frustration. Things happen, we are not working alone in this life, we have unseen helpers, always. As human beings, we have only part of the story. Trust, flow, let go, receive the silver lining when it arrives.
Quicksilver is liquid Mercury. The silver lining comes when we meet frustrating experiences with grace, patience and humor. Higher vibrational consciousness comes through appreciation of your resourcefulness, willingness to let go of absolutes, and trusting Life.
We might have to wait for it, however, Mercury retrograde does deliver!