Full Moon Week January 17, to January 25, 2022

by | Jan 17, 2022 | 5D, Our Moon

Full Moon Week, January 17, 2022, 6:49 PM to January 25, 2022, 8:42 AM

2022 is starting slow, with people reporting low energy, an absence of clear focus, and an overall sense of bewilderment.

If the above reflects your experience, please consider that all is well. We travel a new path now, different than before. The more we live 5D consciousness, the further away we get from the used-to-be normal. However, what remains consistent is the anchoring rhythm reflected by the Moon and Her flow.

On Monday, January 17, 2022, with the Full Moon at 6:49 PM EST, we turn to the last half of this Lunar Cycle. We move from the in-breath to the out-breath. With the slow start to this year, we might want to skip this turn and continue with the building phase to get forward movement. Such a choice, though, goes against nature.

Working with the Moon does not discriminate between active or passive motions. Working with the Moon involves the unconscious. Working with the Moon reflects inner and the outer, slow and the still, and the very active. Working with the Moon considers ebb and the flow of life as necessary, valid, and integral parts of the whole.

The in/out rhythm of the two halves of the Lunar Cycle represents the core of our life. Our breath, heartbeat, day, and night rhythms reflect this intrinsic rhythm. While the Lunar pulse is subtle, and most likely, long forgotten, our Moon, bodies, and optimal productivity beat in rhythm with the in and out pulse. This last half of the Lunar Cycle focuses on what we learned, dreamed, and developed during the first half. Starting something new is not ideal for optimal productivity during the last half of a Lunar month.

If living in alignment with our Moon’s rhythm resonates, consider small steps in recovering this bio cosmic alignment. A simple ritual where you turn your body in the opposite direction as you start your work this week can help with embodying new patterns. Stating something like,” I align with the out-breath, the sharing, disseminating, fulfilling, implementing of the visions, dreams, awarenesses, inspirations, and imaginations I experienced during the first two weeks of this Lunar month.

Or, “In these last two weeks, I am aware that the rhythm, the focus, is to release, give over, and out to the Universe what I received during the first two weeks of this lunation. I am in alignment with the cycle of receiving and giving and now, this week and next, is about giving.”

Lunar cycles overlap. What you started during the first half of a Lunar Cycle long ago can be up for dissemination during the last half of this or another cycle. Natural Time cycles are not linear; they overlap. Ideally, one is best served to do upstream things in an upstream time and downstream things in a downstream time. The actual completion can over many Lunar cycles later than when the idea first bloomed.

Releasing is what happens during the last half of a Lunar Cycle. Now, in particular, it is about releasing. If releasing someone or something close to your heart is happening, releasing with the emptying Moon can help tremendously. Look for Her each night in the sky, and even if you cannot see Her, affirm your alignment in letting go. Give gratitude, and if needed, supplication for help.


The Void Moon

The Void Moon is an excellent place to start if you want to align more with the flow of our Moon. You are likely to feel the Void Moon times as a pull to inner focus, maybe an inclination to rest, nap, engage in a reflective, creative process, or take a walk in the woods. Regarding napping, if this brings up a taboo for you, consider that a vital dream can surface when you nap.

Working with the Moon does not discriminate between active or passive motions. Working with the Moon involves the unconscious. Working with the Moon reflects inner and the outer, slow and the still, and the very active. Working with the Moon considers ebb and the flow of life as necessary, valid, and integral parts of the whole.

While following the Void Moons as a productivity indicator is far from the “Time is Money” paradigm, aligning with these Moons can free you from the trap that time is outside of you rather than inside. When you feel the pull to slow stillness and inner focus, you claim yourself as a Sovereign Being, a Cosmic Being, a Divine Being, a Sacred Being who produces through feeling, intuitions, and knowing about the exact times to move and be still.

The Void Moons are relatively short this week, allowing for an easy practice week in heeding to these sweet respites.

Void Moons: No form to contain the energy which feels free-floating and hard to focus. Hearing what your body wants during Void Moons, generally, more internal focus than external focus and more stillness, quiet, and rest, are great ways to start embodying the Moon.

The Void Moon Times this week include:

Monday, January 17, 6:49 PM to 11:04 PM, EST

Thursday, January 20, 3:16 AM to 9:03 AM, EST

Saturday, January 22, 2:47 PM to 5:03 PM, EST

Monday, January 24, 5:10 PM to 10:58 PM EST

Here is a time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html

If I can help you move through the challenges of opening to your body as Timer, in this shift to 5D consciousness, consider scheduling a time to talk or an appointment here: https://appt.link/aureal-williams.

Blessed Be. See you next week with Week #4 in this current Lunar phase.


  1. Thank you, Aureal, for this beautiful reminder.

    • Thank you, Marian. Yes, in this time of dynamic change, following the Moon’s rhythms helps to anchor us despite the storms.