Review of Deep Space Planetary Aspects
The Deep Space Cosmic support during the New Moon to Full Moon phases of this Luna cycle supported us in making our unconscious conscious and syncing our will with Divine Will.
In this last half of the Luna cycle, from the Full Moon to the Balsamic phase, the Deep Space Cosmic energies encourage us to embody the wisdom we have surfaced into consciousness.
True to the Sagittarius/Gemini axis, it is not just knowledge we deal with in the Full Moon Light; it is knowing. This high-frequency knowing can find a home in the places of the body that Sagittarius rules – the grounding power centres of hips, thighs, and sacrum.
Momentum rules these parts, and as we head into the Season of the Dark (in the Northern Hemisphere), the last half of this Luna cycle calls forth an embodied, living wisdom that guides us through the Dark and into the Light.
The following aspects, occurring during these next two weeks, help us embody wisdom now:
And, for Subscribers, Only
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Just as Mother of Pearl inlays the shell, may our pearls of wisdom layer through our embodied consciousness.