Gemini Solar Month, May 21 to June 20, 2023
The energies this solar month seem lighter, reflecting the flow into the mutable phase of this seasonal quadrant. We have immersed ourselves in the new beginning, with Aries, deepened the work during the time of Taurus, and now we come to the integrating phase of Gemini.
While the intensity has eased, the evolutionary work continues. My heart’s strongest message is to engage with these planets as loving, living energies. The connection with deep space’s planets, stars, and bodies is interactive, just like the connections with our pets, plants, and human and spiritual relations.
The planetary energy in this solar month is about weaving the unconscious into consciousness. Again, this is work for the strong-hearted and brave.
Indicative of mutable energies, there are mixed modalities in the configurations this month. I have still broken the content down into Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. However, lines are crossed in this categorization.
An image that arises with all this data is of a massage. A massage that pounds and melds flesh, interstitial tissue, blood, and bones to cleanse and release what is no longer needed. This multidimensional massage recalibrates what is needed.
This massage is of the sensate body, rational mind, heart radiance, and our imaginal world. It completely refreshes and realigns, typical of the mutable phase of a seasonal quadrant. By realigning ourselves this way, the unconscious becomes conscious.
Somewhat Cardinal
Asbolus, 30 Gemini and Chaos, 1 Cancer, trine Damocles and Crantor at 30 Aquarius and Haumea and Elatus at 1 Scorpio. Damocles, 30 Aquarius, square Sedna, at 30 Taurus.
Okyrhoe 30 Pisces and Manwe 2 Aries, opposite SuperGalactic Center, (ZGC) or M87, is at 2 Libra.
The Okyrhoe, Manwe and ZGC opposition square and square Asbolus and Chaos.
Grand trine Asbolus and Chaos trine Crantor and Damocles and Haumea and Elatus.
Asbolus invites us to stretch into the big picture. There is early knowing, possibly instinctual, that helps us filter through options. Chaos represents the emptiness, the void, the ether, the foundation of reality, and the openness to all possibilities. Damocles, with its extreme inclination, offers a higher view that can bring disruption. Its North Node/Perihelion points are on on the mid-Aquarius and early Leo access. This energy is about our regal individuality. Crantor represents a sacrificial symbol of peace, sudden trauma, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Elatus calls for trust based on deep inner listening with integrity, and Haumea represents creativity that regenerates.
Sedna’s emphasis on the deep mystical, true heart self-love, highlighted at the end of Taurus, brings our focus to true values.
Chariklo, the Centaur, is an ally of humanity, a prophetess, water nymph, and daughter of Chiron. Her name means to take flight with speed. In her discovery chart, she was conjunct the fixed star 51 Pegassi. Markab is one of the brightest stars of this constellation. According to Jamie Patridge, the Astrology King, Markab is associated with the ball of the right foot. This physical point helps humans accelerate.
In synchronicity, Okyrhoe, another Centaur, is associated with momentum. Okyrhoe could see prophetically; however, the gods were displeased with what she revealed and turned her into a mare. With NN at 23 Virgo and Perihelion at 16 Libra, discernment within our social relations is critical.
Manwe, the husband of Varda, represents purity, air, and wind and a vision that comes from the height of eagles.
One interpretation of this complex set of aspects: We are invited to the higher realms of consciousness and intuitive living, embodying our divinity with our humanity. It is time NOW to let go of the old sabotaging ways where we sell ourselves and others short. The chance is to step up to our full potential and live with discerning responsibility as fluid humans in the diamond light of being.
Amycus, Pluto, and Orius at 28/29 Capricorn conjunct and in a T-square with Elatus and Haumea at 1 Scorpio, and square Jupiter at 28 Aries. Amycus, Pluto and Orius are trine Sedna at 30 Taurus
Arawn, at 27 Capricorn also squares Jupiter in late Aries, from May 24 until June 16th. Arawn trines Pelion at 27 Taurus and Mors Somnus at 28 Taurus
Arrokoth, at 23 Capricorn, squares Ceres at 23 Libra, and Arrokoth trines Lempo at 22 Taurus.
Salacia, at 9 Aries, opposes Makemake at 10 Libra, and they both square the Quaoar and Pholus conjunction at 8 Capricorn. Quaoar and Pholos trine Salacia at 9 Aries.
Not depicted in the graphic:
Chiron, at 17 Aries, opposes Ceres at 17 Libra, and both square Echeclus at 19 Cancer, for another T-square.
One interpretation of this quite complex planetary configuration is that as we stretch into our new selves, we release exclusion and willfulness. There is twisting and turning as we release enmeshed toxicity. Not an easy rebirthing, yet the process is added by calling on our spiritual and lineage ancestors and aligning with the vibrant aliveness in nature.
Somewhat Fixed
Albion, 14 Taurus, opposite Mbabamwanawaresa, 14 Scorpio and Albion trine Aphidas, 14 Virgo. Alicanto, 25 Taurus and Pelion 27 Taurus, opposite Deucalion, 26 Scorpio and Deucalion trine Neptune, 26 Pisces
This complex aspect gives the opportunity to discern wisely and be on the lookout for an unconscious lack of integrity. We are blending, merging, infusing our sensate being with our rational being with our creative being into our mystical being. There is much to align. A focus can be on synchronizing our will with Divine Will in a full expression of our good, gold heart.
Mors-Somnus, 28 Taurus, opposite Ceto, 28 Scorpio, both squaring Sila-Nunam, 28 Leo.
Quite the powerful aspect, occurring at the end of the fixed sign degrees, prior to moving into an integration of the full self. These energies stir deep unconsciousness that could be represented by monstrous symbology, to be transformed through the gentle soft care of sleep, dream, and letting go, bolstered by integration of masculine/feminine, past/future, and human/nature.
Not depicted in a graphic:
Lempo, 22 Taurus, opposite Typhon, 22 Scorpio.
Talk about integration! Lempo has two bodies that rotate around a barycenter, with a Moon circling around them. This planet’s energy helps us live the triad nature of 5D, body/mind/spirit integrated! In the late degree of refined Taurus energy, opposite the intensity of Typhon in a late degree of Scorpio, this TNO pulls up the monsters within so we can transform ourselves from the beast into the beauty.
Chariklo, 11 Aquarius, trine Logos, 11 Libra.
This lovely aspect echoes the theme of this solar ingress of integrating and embodying our highest consciousness as our modus operandi. We are stepping up to be 5D and higher beings of light, love, and full consciousness.
Dziewanna, 23 Scorpio, square Praamzius, 24 Leo.
With this aspect, we are aware that it is time to step out of our lived sense of alienation, victimhood, and suffering. We have history and deep experiences of personal, collective, and ancestral trauma. All of that brings us to now, where the sky is open, spacious, and inviting us to be cosmic beings by releasing what is no longer needed and recalibrating what continues to work in a new, coalescent form.
Somewhat Muteable
Altjira, 19 Gemini G!kun||’homdima, 20 Gemini, opposing Huya, 20 Sagittarius, both squaring Teharohiawako, 20 Pisces
Altjira and G!kun||’homdima, working together, help us shapeshift into a new configuration of a purposeful life. Huya, opposite these two planets, is a counterweight that pulls us into cosmic understanding, beyond rational mind. These three planets, in a T-square aspect to Teharonhiawako can ground us into an embodied cosmic divinity walking on Earth. A key to this complex configuration is to transcend delusions of duality and to bring peace the warring parts of self.
Not depicted in a graphic:
Aphidas, and Orcus, both at 15 Virgo, square the Great Attractor, 15 Sagittarius.
The Plutino Orcus prompts us to shine the light of natural law on our unconsciousness, which is represented by the centaur Aphidas. The Great Attractor assists here by bending the light for us to see beyond delusions of duality.
Thereus, 17 Virgo opposite Nessus, 17 Pisces
This aspect between the two centaurs compels us to allow our instinctual energies to have free yet safe expression, and to find our compassionate, discerning self. Thereus can bring up wild power. If that happens, try to get to the root of the need underlying that forceful expression. Nessus can help you cross the river with that intense complexity, which can have its roots in ancestral trauma.
Asbolus, 29 Gemini square Borasisi, 29 Pisces and Okyrhoe, 30 Pisces.
Here we are at the last degrees of the zodiac, Pisces, the flowering of mystic understanding, and the last degree of Gemini, the conscious mind. Okyrhoe brings momentum, a jumping-off point that is also signified by the end of one zodiac cycle and the beginning of the next cycle. Asbolus brings the advantage of the big picture, and Borasisi calls us to bring in confidence to thwart self-delusion and spiritual alienation. This configuration gifts us with a major opportunity to change lanes, in alignment with our burgeoning self. The square nature of the aspect implies tension and choice in this process.
Neptune, 26 Pisces, square Varda 27 Sagittarius, and Galactic Center, 28 Sagittarius.
This aspect brings the chance to blast us into the deep space beyond conceptual thought as we are open to possibilities of the fullest potential of our relationships. Here is an invitation to engage with the dreamstate to open our experience of boundaries and connection.
Suggestion, for all of the above:
Call out the names of these planets as you enter sleep or go for a walk on a beach or in foresty park. If willing, ask to open wide.
Personal Planet Contacts
Here is a link to a downloadable version of the KBO and Personal Planet Aspects
Thank you for your support of this work. The Kuiper Belt Objects help raise our frequency vibrations to the 5th Dimension and higher. The more we become familiar with these planetary energies, the more we can engage and interact with them. Please share your experiences, feedback, and suggestions. I want to know what works for you and what, from your experience, can be changed to make the content easy to access. This monthly report improves with your input!