Photo by Thiago Matos from Pexels
4th Week of this Lunar Cycle November 27, 7:28 AM EST to December 4, 2021, New Moon Solar Eclipse, 2:44 AM EST
Cosmic cycles invite retreats at times, and now is one of those times. Your holy body, your Sacred Heart, and your Divine Soul have carried you through the Lunar Month and the Solar Year. I imagine you want to hear what they have to say as you wind down in both the Lunar and Solar cycles.
In this fourth Lunar week, the physical energy to do and accomplish drains us, and the focus turns inward. Not so much selfish introspection, rather galactic introspection. The soulful questions you might be fielding are: “What did I learn, and what are the next steps in the learning?”
On November 21, 2021, our Sun went into Sagittarius, the last Sun sign of the Solar year, before turning toward the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2021, at 10:59 AM EST. The Winter begins the new Solar Cycle.
This Lunar week and Solar month offer us a sacred time of quiet reflection, a search for peace, and rest that calms our longings. The Time for contentment, resolute reflection, and seeding sacred dreams is at hand.
Slowing down takes practice, and you can start small. One suggestion is to use that time between sleep and waking as a sacred border crossing. Be alert for subtle awareness of positive self-regard that floats into consciousness. Consider leaving the music or the TV off as you get ready in the morning. Same as at night when you prepare for sleep.
Option for Action:
The fourth weeks of Lunar Cycles are my favorite because the Lunar Quarter Moon is my home base. This is where my Sun/Moon phase angle was at the time of my birth. I know the energy of the last quarter Moon in my blood and bones.
The Sun/Moon phase at the time of our birth imprints a pattern of energy, along with a personality characteristic, that follows us through life. If you want to know your Sun/Moon phase, check out
If you want to know the personality imprint with your Sun/Moon phase, check here.
If you would like training on aligning with the natural rhythm of your Sun/Moon phase angle, also known as the Personal Lunar Cycle, contact me.
The Void Moon Times this week include:
Sunday, November 28, 7:02 PM to Monday, November 29, 3:55 AM
Tuesday, November 30, 11:20 PM to Wednesday, December 1, 6:56 AM
Friday, December 3, 12:23 AM to 7:14 AM
The Void Moons are mainly short periods this week!
Here is a time converter:
5D Here, Now
The more I bring the book 5D Here, Now, Ordinary Descriptions of An Extraordinary Shift through the publication process, the more I experience multiple access points for shifting to 5D consciousness. One of these access points is Time. The 5th Dimension does not sustain being hooked on Time as something controlling and external.
Our human capacity to experience Time as a flowing, organic experience is perceptible through body intelligence. To share that direct experience is why I write these posts.
When you release and let go, as we are invited to do in this 4th week of the Lunar Cycle, more serendipity shows up in our lives. You can take that to the bank.
Publication of the book is planned for February 2022.
Blessed be! See you next week!