Or, how to keep breathing when things are not moving.
You may have been feeling stuck lately, with the feeling of statis similar to being stuck in a vat of molasses.
A Natural Time: Body as Timer perspective on this delay is that both Mercury and Mars are Retrograde. With Mercury going direct on May 22, movement begins, however, there is a shadow period, as I detailed in a post on Mercury Retrograde Cycles. Mercury moves out of the shadow period this cycle on June 7 and Mars is retrograde until the end of June, 2016.
Briefly, retrograde motion is an apparent backward, or retrograde, movement of planetary orbit, as it appears to us on Earth. Many people feel these delayed energies in direct life experience. With Mercury, the retrograde motion covers technology and communication; with Mars, the retrograde motion covers action and the energy of attraction with what we want in life. Retrograde motion involves delays and we often rework ourselves in the process of waiting for forward motion.
Photo by Aureal Williams
How to Wait?
Life does not come with an instruction manual on how to wait. We all have to learn our own path to waiting peacefully. For me, learning to wait has a circuitous route, with multiple components. Content waiting calls forth a skill set that can take lifetimes to develop. This skill set includes patience, trust, getting out of one’s own way, not taking things personally and active collaboration with a Living Field of energy that surrounds, informs, supports and sustains us. Taking each of these components, one at a time, reveals that they enfold into one other as a flowing, complex whole.
Patience, to me, means, noticing that something is on delay and not fighting it. To be patient means that I have to find ways within my energy body, free of agitation, anxiety, contorted thought, and wait. Patience means that I accept that there are unseen energies at play, doing their part within a time frame over which I have no control. Patience means care-giving the desire or longing, the want or the need, the vision or the dream, until both conscious and cosmic components come together.
Whom to Trust?
This kind of patience is built on trust. What is it to trust? Whom or what are we trusting? When outcome feels static, with an absence of response or a delay in connection or implementation, it helps to trust our Soul, our Life Dream, our Heart’s Desire and all of the invisible helpers supporting us in our endeavors. Who we are and what we dream is bigger than our own Self, it is our Self within the Universe, playing our resonant and accepted piece. We are not the only energies at play and sometimes, we have to wait. Trust in ourselves, our vision, and the cooperative, collaborative, co-creating Universe helps with waiting. Unwavering trust helps.
Getting out of our own Way
Activating trust takes us to the next step, which is getting out of our own way. The vision of what we want to do is actually a cosmic project. We are informed, through intuition or the dream or mentored guidance, we feel resonant with a choice of action and we say yes. When we meet with delay, it is vital to remember that we are a single player on a cosmic stage and many other pieces and parts are at play, even though we might not feel or see them. We can learn to be patient and trust that our cue to resume action will come. Getting tangled up in limiting, rational thought can twist us out of alignment, missing our cue into movement when the delay lifts and momentum starts up again.
We get out of our own way through conscious collaboration with the unseen helpers in support of us and our projects. These projects can be about our life’s work or finding our mate, or moving household, whatever it is that your Heart desires. What you want is legitimate and yours, as long as there is no harm involved. The invisible helpers can be angels, spiritual and lineage ancestors, saints, masters, teachers, healers, nature beings, elementals, like fairies, leprechauns or any beneficent helpers on the unseen side of our reality based life.
Trust involves acceptance that we are working with unseen energies of the beneficent kind, we are working with our Soul, including parts of our Soul that may not yet be embodied. We are working with forces in the Universe that are vast and ever present to help us in support of our fulfillment and materializing what we want for Life. In trust, they help us with timing that goes beyond what we understand.
Getting out of our own way is based on direct inner knowing that we are not alone. There is an integral connection of Self to what we wish for; there is legitimacy to our longing. When we are met face-to-face with prolonged delay we may meet, head on, conditioned beliefs like scarcity thinking, limitation thinking, feelings of not deserving. Getting out of our own way requires ownership that what we dream, imagine, long for, is ours to have. It requires upping the frequencies to realize, on visceral levels, that we are co-collaborators with a loving universe that wants for us what we want for ourselves. It requires opening to support that our unseen helpers will co-create with us to materialize what burns inside of us to create.
Crystal Clearing to I AM
Getting out of our own way requires not taking things personally. This piece is huge, because it involves crystal clearing on the continuum of our humanity with our divinity. When we say, state, live I AM, we are claiming our divinity within our humanity. When we take things personally, we are stuck on an unconscious want or need or false belief that limits and confines us. Through personal choice of processes, dreamwork, journaling, silent walks in nature, talking with a friend, consulting with a guide or mentor, we can unveil the hidden need and embrace it rather than continually reject it and have it play out as us getting in our own way.
When we get out of our own way, we affirm that we are part of, we belong, we are supported and what we want will show up in divine design; we are not materializing by ourselves!
Yes, there are times in life, months on end, when it feels like nothing is moving. With the recent Mercury Retrograde and the current Mars retrograde, and from the perspective of Body as Timer, the energy can feel frustratingly stagnant. Please caution against hopelessness. During these slow-to-no movement times, notice what is your stopping block. Is it not having patience, is it not trusting that you will get what you want, that you will be fulfilled, is it getting in your own way, trying to move forward when Life’s breaks are on, is it taking things personally? Explore your personal road blocks for the hidden treasures that they are. Allow connection in a fuller, more conscious way with the invisible help that is available to us as human beings. Whether you know these helpers as angels, or Saints, or beings of the Devic Realm, by whatever name you call these helpers, open to the partnership, the collaboration, that takes the pain out of waiting.
How do you work with the cosmic delay periods? Please share in the comments section, as we all learn from, and with, one another.