Having just experienced the pull to stillness with the Winter Solstice on December 21 and the upcoming worldwide, traditional celebration of the end of one year, December 31, in the Gregorian Calendar, we are definitively at a closing out time. To add to this time of release, December 26, 2021, 9:25 PM EST brings us into the 4th and final phase of this current lunar cycle. Now is the winding down, reset moment, and this fourth lunar phase increases the gravitational pull to be still and present.
In some divine timing, the New Moon occurs on January 2, 2022, at 1:34 PM EST. The Dark of the Moon occurs three full days before the New Moon, so from 1:34 PM on December 30, 2021, until the New Moon on January 2, we are in the Dark Moon. This is the still point, a time of absolute receptivity to the Noosphere, the 5th Dimension land of cosmic inner knowing
For eons, the Dark Moon has helped us release what is no longer alive for us, what no longer works, what is complete. The Dark of the Moon is a supreme time for letting go.
May you gift yourself time to release for this Lunar Cycle and this calendar year. Like the saying that one cannot be in two places at once, we can not release and fill up simultaneously.
Please call on all of your experiences and deep, innate knowing to let go in this holy release time.
Our Moon has been guiding us in the process of releasing and letting go and beginning again for eons. It is what she does. Consider inviting our Moon to help you release what has expired for you. Watch her as she models for us how to let go.
The Void Moon
Buckminster Fuller tells us that energy is contained in form. There is no geometric, cosmic shape between the Moon and an inner planet when the Moon is void, hence, there is no form to contain the energy.
Void Moons feel like we are free-floating. It is hard to hold focus and accomplish essential tasks. I have been tracking the Void Moon times for over four decades and am at the point where I feel these void times in my body. It hurts to try and produce upstream in a downstream time.
Efficiency is one of my highest values, and I got tired of wasting time, energy, resources, so I observe the Void Moon times with advanced planning. The Void Moon times for this Fourth Quarter quiet week are below. I invite you to join me in this productivity practice. Put your questions in the comments section, below.
The Void Moon Times this week include:
Sunday, December 26, 3:40 AM to 11:25 AM, EST
Tuesday, December 28, 4:12 AM to 4:17 PM, EST
Thursday, December 30, 12:11 PM to 6:09 PM, EST
Saturday, January 1, 2022, 3:17 AM to 6:03 PM EST
Here is a time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html
Blessed be! See you next week!