Full Moon Week Saturday, April 16, 2:56 PM EDT
Who we were no longer fits; who we are becoming continues to shape-shift. As higher frequencies strengthen us, we must release old concepts of identity. These are not tranquil times, yet help and inspiration are on the other side of a question, a prayer, a request.
Recently, an inspiration came to me about what happens in the Moon’s fullness. The vision was of a vertical and horizontal axis within the Full Moon’s light.
That picture of the Vitruvian Man resembles the flash of inspiration that arrived like a lightning bolt. Not precisely, though. We know that there are four phases of a Lunar Cycle. These four phases represent four quadrants, each separated by a vertical and a horizontal axis.
These four quadrants, separated by the two axes, are understood in various ways throughout history.
- The Dalai Lama, I have heard, shares that the East/West axis represents the political, while the North/South axis represents the economic.
- In her classic book, The Four-Fold Way[i], Angeles Arrien writes the North is the Way of the Warrior, the South, the Way of the Healer, the East, the Way of the Visionary, and the West, the Way of the Teacher.
- Hugh Milne, a craniosacral teacher, again references Angeles Arrien in his teaching about the Four-Chambered Heart Meditation[ii]. The Upper left Chamber is the Full Heart; the lower-left Chamber is the Open Heart; the upper right Chamber is the Clear Heart; the lower right Chamber is the Strong Heart.
- In his classic book, The Astrology of Personality, Dane Rudhyar writes the upper left quadrant of an astrology chart relates to thinking, the upper right quadrant to sensate experience, the lower-left quadrant to intuition, and the lower right quadrant to feelings.[iii].
There are many ways to reference the four quadrants that anchor us into meaning. There are possible ways and references from your spiritual journey of becoming that are not listed here. Please include them in the comments section to expand our understanding of how to stretch into our fullness.
During this Full Moon week, consider taking some time to stretch out; on the bed, on the earth, and feel what quadrant in your very sacred self is blossoming open, pulsing your gifts out into the world. Is it the North, the South, the East, or the West? Acknowledge the quadrant that feels alive in you and go for the understanding later.
Then notice which quadrant feels most depleted in you. Please pour TLC into that quadrant. Bathe it with the Light of this Full Moon. Ask it what it needs to be more accessible and more vibrant. Receive information free of judgment. Notice attempts to shame, blame, judge, cut off. Maybe say something like, exclusion was then, inclusion is now. Please hug any shutting off tendencies with curiosity—what is needed? What is the wound, and how can it be embraced?
The upper right quadrant is my area of focus in this Full Moonlight. According to Dane Rudhyar’s reference, I am thinking about adding audio components to my work. This Full Heart quadrant wants to express how to access and assimilate the experiences and insights that I share through writing. One way to expand what I know, understand, and want to offer is through intuitively guided imagery. In Angeles Arrien’s system, this new focus activates the North point, that of a Warrior who shows up, standing in her power.
What about you? Which of your quadrants want fuller expression? If you do indulge a few minutes stretching out on your bed, floor, or a carpet of grass and identify which quadrant of your life wants to burst forth in full Moonlight, please share in the comments, or email me at aureal@5dherenow.com.
We are stretching into versions of ourselves that are fuller than we could have imagined before this leap to 5D. I am here to help you move through your challenges in this quantum shift. You can schedule a time to discuss how we might work together at calendly.com/aureal. I also work with astrology in an innovative way that recognizes our bidirectional relationship with the planets. For more on this, check out: Information, Intuition, Integration. For more information on the changes involved in this shift, check out 5D Ordinary Descriptions of an Extraordinary Shift.
[i] Arrien, Angeles, The Four-Gold Way, Harper, San Francisco, 1993, pp. 13, 47, 77, 107
[ii] Milne, Hugh, The Heart of Listening, North Atlantic Books, Berkely, 1995, pp. 15-16
[iii] Rudhyar, Dane, The Astrology of Personality, Doubleday Paperback, 1970 p. 215
Void of Course Moon Times this Week
Again this week, the Void Moon times are brief. There is a benefit in changing gears, no matter how long the Void Moon is. With practice, and it may take years to feel the subtle shift of voidness, your body will tell you when to stop and look elsewhere, like inside yourself.
Void Moons: No form to contain the energy which feels free-floating and hard to focus. Heeding what your body wants during Void Moons — more internal focus, less external focus, and more stillness, quiet, and rest — are great ways to embody the Moon.
The Void Moon Times this week include:
Saturday, April 16, 5:57 PM 8:23 PM EDT
Monday, April 18, 7:55 PM to 10:17 PM EDT
Wednesday, April 20, 4:57 PM to 11:53 PM EDT
Friday, April 22, 11:53 PM to Saturday, April 23, 2:18 AM EDT
Here is a time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html
Blessed Be. See you next week, at the Last Quarter Moon.