Direct Experience of 5D Freedom

by | Jan 29, 2017 | Living the Intuitive Life


Life in 5D has opened more freedom to be me within the world than I have ever imagined possible. This opening is happening for many of us who embrace the 5D experience of harmonic wholeness. This personal freedom is reflected in the collective experience now, too, as we participate, live or virtual, in coming together to make this shift.

Thousands of everyday people, judges, lawyers and bureaucrat leaders are all saying yes to inner truth and no to duality. While these people, worldwide–so many– might not be conscious of the shift from 3D to 5D, they are living it.  We are uniting in the strength of harmony connected rather than duality divided.

Some readers, like me, have been working on and toward this shift to the 5th Dimension since the Harmonic Convergence August, 1987 and lifetimes before that. We have applied ourselves faithfully to this shift in consciousness. We dove deep in personal transformation; we engaged in hours of meditation and marathon sessions of individual and group processing; we were patient, as we had some sense that we agreed to be way showers even though very few of us have conscious memory of the moment we agreed, Yes.

There was a visceral experience this week when I recognized the expanded freedom. Along with wonder, amazement and joy, came the recognition of what it takes to sustain life in 5D consciousness, especially when 3D duality might be the choice of people around me.

What it takes, I realize, is to keep fluid in present moment consciousness. Slipping back into past or future, succumbing to concerns about what other people think of me or my choices, being concerned about outcomes are traps through which I lose my way.

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Staying present in every changing moment is key.  Keeping fluid with sharp, precise cutting tools, like the word No, helps dissolve these traps. Old patterns release when we call on the collaboration of the Living Field and our own strengthened 5D consciousness. When we keep buoyant in the Now, momentum propels us along the new path. The more we choose present moment consciousness, the easier it becomes to do so.

Not caring what others think means that we are well-grounded, solid, in our own self-esteem and our own inner connection with intuition and the Living Field.  We know our truth, and our choices. We know what has resonance for us and we have the courage to choose that and leave the rest.

To be steeped in self-care is a crucial part of this.  Listening to what our bodies want and need; feeding our Soul with meaningful connections with wise others; moving our bodies with grace and ease; engaging in creative expression; eating a diet that sustains more Light and less density; getting enough sleep; choosing entertainment and media choices that stimulate us in positive ways are all components of Present Moment living.  

Also required is saying no when saying yes violates our own integrity. We do not have to be mean; we do have to be true to ourselves.  When we are true to ourselves, we clear the space and open the opportunity for others to find and claim their way, too.

While we have prepared for this shift over lifetimes, my direct experience is that the intensity is amping up.  Now is the time to implement the new ways – to choose present moment consciousness that is ever moving and resist dwelling on the past or concerns about future. Vibrant self-esteem is a confidence that comes with 5D awareness. In  3D duality, we were always judging ourselves and others. Knowing is judgement’s replacement. We know what is true and we choose that.

If you feel that you are not quite there yet; please take heart. Know that you are doing your best, feel the commitment that you have made to be a way shower in this New Time. Pay attention to your intuition and feel your way in each fluid moment. Everything changes and when we bring our attention to Now, we can capture what is ours to do, and be, in fluid, dynamic, free expression.

Personally, I had a profound experience this week when I opened to direct experience of  expanding freedom. Checking in with my Self, I realized that to sustain this, I must stay fluid in each present moment.  What an awakening!   Eckhart Tolle has been telling us this for years. To live it, personally, and as we see in the world, collectively, brings the experience from concept to direct, live experience. 5D, our new, cosmic home.

Please share how you are doing with this shift in the comments section. We learn from one another and we grow stronger together through shared experiences.

In Love,

