Here is the link to our first gathering on Saturday, January 20, 2024. With the times of 12 Noon, Eastern US and Canada, 9 AM, Pacific US and Canada, and 5 PM, Europe. If you live in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, please email me to express your interest in gathering and we will find another time.
The dates for these gatherings are the Saturday before each Full Moon. I checked the whole of 2024 and the Moon is not Void on any of those Saturdays at the time we meet. If you know my work for a while, you are likely to know that I live by the Void Moon times.
The auspiciousness of this first date is enhanced by it also being the Aquarian Solar Ingress and by Pluto entering Aquarius. It is a prime time to meet, and religious associations aside, the song that comes to mind is this one because it is indeed A Happy Day!
Personal sharing during the meeting will not be recorded; any meditation or guided imagery we do will be recorded. A reminder will be sent out 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Hope to see you there!
The link, again, is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82154966441?pwd=MmdQVFB4OThPd3crdUhxdXZkWDFhdz09
Agenda for Planets of New Consciousness Gathering Circle
Introductions: Please share your name, where you call from, and what interests you about this Circle
Round Two Sharing: What are you releasing in these times; what are your bright spots? What are your challenges?
Deep Space Planet Info: Based on the sharing, we will discuss current deep space planetary placements and configurations in reflection of our personal and collective processes
Time permitting: A guided imagery meditation
Closing: Each participant can close with an intention for themselves/the cosmos
This is an experiential group; we can adjust what we do and how we do it by consensus or majority. I am excited to be with you on this adventure.

Great! Sorry to have missed the inaugural one but hope to connect in for February’s!
Dear Melissa, It is fantastic news that you are interested. I will be back in touch within the week with possible meeting dates/times for your time zone. Very grateful!