New Moon, May 19, 2023 Glimpsing the New Moon chart, a first thought was, "What a wonderful skyscape." The cosmic configuration is like a breathtaking painting. While the energies seem to be easing up, the work is not any less severe; it is just that we are at a...
Full Moon to Balsamic Moon, April 5, to April 19, 2023 In this blog’s March 21 to April 5, 2023, New to Full Moon issue, the information came through to decompress the Second Chakra. If that work resonated, and you have been doing that, I hope the results include more...
Love in the Frequency of You In this monthly report, we explore, through heliocentric astrology, the Deep Space Kuiper Belt objects and how they relate to our quantum leap into the 5th Dimension/New Earth consciousness. The first issue provides a sample of this work....