5 D Living

by | May 30, 2012 | 5D



~ swoosh ~

Stuart Williams via Compfight

The time between these two eclipses, the New Moon, or Solar Eclipse, of May 20 2012 and the Full Moon, or Lunar Eclipse, of June 4 2012 increases the capacity for self-care.  I have taken the Cosmos up on this generous offer and had a stretch of six consecutive days I devoted to creative fulfillment.  At the beginning of this creative stretch, I had to decompress and ease into this open space of time.  I read a mystery as a way to start relaxing, and I slept a lot.  Once restored, I stressed about how to start.  Sitting on the porch with my ipad, I had the inspiration to start with catching up on the bookmarks I made over the past two months.  This was a wise choice, as it took me on a serendipitous journey of self-healing and creative fulfillment.

The first stop in my bookmarks was about the memory of water. As an intuitive, I get that the function of water is connection.   Water is an extremely powerful link in our humanity,  from self-to-self, self-to-other and self-to-planet. Water is both soft, in that it flows through any obstruction, and it is hard, in that it can wear down rock.  I reviewed the memory of water videos on youtube and that pulled me back to work I had known,  the work of Masaru Emoto and his Messages from Water. This work represents profound energy medicine, in that water crystals reflect what we see, feel, hear and say.  Then I remembered what my friend Marifran Korb shared with me some time ago.  Marifran writes the quality she wants for that day on a piece of paper and attaches that paper to her water glass for the day. Since her work is about relationship, she often writes words like “peace” and “harmony,” to imprint the water she drinks.

From this imprinting perspective of water,  we might as well put into it what we want, in order to maximize help from the universe. I am inputting words like clarity, creative fulfillment, connection, money, because those are the qualities I want these days. Water does take the shape of what is around it, so if I put in what I want, it seems I have more of a chance for a match.  I am also experimenting with imprinting vocalizations of the words rather than taping them to the glass, as that way seems easier and more portable.  If you experiment with this technique, let me know how it goes!

Next on my journey through the bookmarks, I found decluttering information.  That word, “declutter”, does not work for me.  I prefer clearing space, so that is the term I use here. The bookmark lead to the work of Sue Rasmussen, a resource my friend Marifran suggested to me, and Sue’s work seems to be a real find.  I love the aesthetic of  her website and the page I had bookmarked had a quote from Suze Orman that struck right to the heart of what I was trying to do during this six day creative lark, clear my living space and energy field for creative fulfillment that financially satisfies.  The quote says, “If you have debt I’m willing to bet that general clutter is a problem for you too.” 

Holding on to things I do not use and do not need has been a challenge throughout my life.  According to astrological and indigenous peoples’ theory, I am a fixed or holding type, out of the three possible types.  These types are called the modalities in astrology and modus operandi within indigenous cultures.  The three types are cardinal or initiating, fixed or holding and mutable or integrating.  We need all three capacities for living, however, we are often strongest in one particular type and therein lie our challenges.  With a fixed nature, I am able to see things through to completion, I have tenacity, however, letting go and not holding on represent challenges.  Going into this six day stretch I consciously knew that the work before me was to clear my office space so that I could make room for writing that I long to do, and other creative work.  In my conceptual mind, and my physical body, this work felt like crossing the mountain and I had no clue of how I was going to get there.  I did get there, I rejoice to say, however, there was a step in between.

Whether it was thinking about water and what we put into our bodies or whether it was thinking about the clogging clutter of extra body weight, I found myself thinking about food choices. I went to a book that I love and use often Paul Pitchford’s Healing with Whole Foods.  Throughout the years, I have known that I have a “damp” constitution from the perspective of Chinese Medicine.  Pitchford’s book is full of information about right foods to eat for our particular constitutions and I spent time revisiting that information. Clarity was one of the words that I infused into my drinking water, so maybe that is how the awareness arose.  Anyway, I got it that I need to eat more vegetables.  Cooking is not a favored task of mine and I like to eat easy. Cooking vegetables is simple enough so I  said yes to change, went vegetable shopping and cleared space in my life to change how and what I eat.  I want more chi in my life, I want energy and that green, animated source of living.

What I experienced in this six day stretch is that we no longer live solely in the third and fourth dimensions.  With 2012 and the accumulated awakening since the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987, an event I participated in by ritual and have been participating every step of the way to now, we have access to life lived with 5D awareness. This 5th Dimension awareness accepts conscious flow as a way of life, a partnership of body, mind, spirit and soul with Universe Consciousness.  It is LIFE!, here on earth, now. This way of living involves letting go of “shoulds”, of mind directions and forcings and instead,  flowing with subtleties within and around us, those cues and clues from an integrated partnership with Universe.  This kind of living takes trust.  With 2012, we have passed a threshold, though, and we can say yes to the new ways or we can stay stuck. Uck!

As I reach the end of my six day creative stretch, I have a humongous recycle bin filled to the brim with office papers I had clung to, clogging my creative and spatial arteries. As I plan and eat meals of life-giving vegetables, energy and consciousness shifts.  What I am aware of is that I cannot find the fulfillment I seek by doing things the old way.  There is a serendipity of following the current, that which calls our attention.  Each spark of interest legitimately leads to more data and another spot in the water course.  This past six days I get it, how to trust and live in 5D awareness. I am a great listener and in this sacred time between the eclipses, I heard, and lived, the flow of 5D living.

Flowing with the water current is great, and I invite you to join me.   If you are looking for your own similar adventure, of  how to follow the cues and clues of your own unfolding awareness, consider  sessions with me where we work in partnership to unfold your soul’s journey.

Paeonia 'Mrs. F.D.R.' up close

Bob Gutowski via Compfight

1 Comment

  1. Great very down to earth and natural-easy to read, calming! great work! keep it up!