3-Question Worksheet for Slowing Down, Now!

by | Nov 27, 2016 | Slow Down, Stillness


Why Slow Down Now?

November 27, 2016 — Dark, dark of Moon, with New Moon on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 7:19 AM, EST

Energy is naturally low in a dark Moon and the closer we get to the end of the lunar cycle and the beginning of the next, the stronger the gravitational pull to slow stillness.

Void Moon, Sunday, November 27, 2016 from 4:49 PM EST to Monday, November 28, 2016, 3:46 PM EST

Void Moon indicates free floating energy, nothing much takes shape or what is formed often has to be reformed, redone. Void Moons are prime times for introspection, reflection, rest, listening.

We are winding down the 2016 Solar Cycle. Many people celebrate the New Year with the Winter Solstice and we are weeks away from that Natural Time marker.  A slowdown in the Solar Cycle might not impact our physical energy as much as a slowdown in the Lunar Cycle, however, as we look to nature in the Northern Hemisphere, we see barren earth, bare trees and people bundling up, staying indoors more. The focus shifts to internal as we approach stillpoint of the Winter Solstice. We are, most likely, becoming quieter, more reflective.


These Natural Time markers invite slowing down now. In addition, many of us are standing with those at Standing Rock.  Many of us are standing with our brothers and sisters of all races and all spiritual and sexual and gender orientations. It is a gift to ourselves, and to all brothers and sisters, when we align with nature and slow down, too. When we stop, be still and listen, in alignment with Natural Cycles, we can know next steps. Wisdom, support and direction come through listening through the stillness.

Comfort and renewal also come through slowing down, letting go and listening. If stillness and slowing down are not yet a delight and remain a challenge, here is a 3-question worksheet for exploring your relationship with slowing down and stillness. This is not a test and there are no wrong answers, simply a personal exploration of something that you might want more options over, to slow down, be still.

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