For lunar types, like me, and perhaps, you, Living the Natural Time Experience seems easier when we align with the rhythms of the Moon. Our physicality, though, also resonates with Solar, or seasonal shifts. While Solar shifts are not as visceral as Moon shifts, they are important when we consider aligning with Nature as a way of life.
Our Winter Solstice, in the Western Hemisphere, occurs December 21, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Eastern Standard Time. As we end the Autumn Season in early December, many people feel the pull to stillness that the Winter Season invites. Personally, I love this gravitational pull to be still, quiet, in the dark. It is so similar to the Dark Moon, when we are called to release, let go, and allow. To stop efforting and simply breathe, not knowing what’s next, yet bearing conscious witness to the process of dissolution and regeneration.
An irony of this seasonal shift is that it can be a very active social time with holiday parties, concerts and the stress to find perfect gifts. Individual choice is the best gift you can give yourself in this time: do you want to go to that party or seasonal cultural event or do you want to stay home and be still? Do you want to spend precious time and energy finding a gift, when, truly, that time pressure is arbitrary. A card stating a gift is coming when its found can suffice within a relationship that is loving.
The transition time in late December, Western Hemisphere, calls for silence: absence of thinking, feeling into the seasonal change, like bare trees. With awareness of our core, inner structure we can allow dissolution and regeneration; a metaphoric death and rebirth through the experience of stillness. Stillness here means not over thinking; it means being present to our own inner experiences, being present with our natural world; listening in silence. Powerful experience, if we can allow it. The potency of this season is that it can open us to our own inner Leader.
The Winter season spans from December 21 through to the next season of the Spring Equinox, March 20, 2016. From the perspective of the Winter Solstice date and time for those of us in the United States, this coming season holds promise. There is:
Opportunity to discern an optimal path through many current challenges
True leadership can emerge, within ourselves, as a start
We can transform the ways that we think and communicate
The opportunity is there to make unexpected connections with others
Through this winter season we have the chance for a fresh start, emotionally. Our world is weary, with fears, violence and unprecedented confusion. Silent stillness, the gift of this coming season, is a way to find our bearings, and our true choices.