by | Sep 28, 2021 | 5D

Hi everyone!

At 9:58 pm EDT Tuesday, September 28, we enter the last week of the lunar cycle.

Keeping track of time by aligning with the first of every month in the standard calendar does not connect us to nature. Aligning with the lunar cycle connects us to our inner nature and the glorious nature surrounding us.

Note what happens with the tides and Moon flow.  It is the same with us if we allow for that subtle sensibility.

The last three days of this last lunar week are known as the Dark of the Moon. The Dark of the Moon occurs from Sunday, October 3 to Wednesday, October 6 at 7:05 am, EDT, when we have the New Moon.  Dark Moon times are naturally occurring low energy, the ebbing cycle.

In the last week, outward energy is low and introspective energy is high. We may feel slower and pulled more to the ground. These are times to rest and reflect.

It is a matter of trust and long-term tracking to remember our natural alignment with lunar flow. Synchronizing energy with Moon flow, we become the timer, rather than the clock on the wall or the watch on the wrist. Benefits of aligning with natural time include less stress and more fulfillment.

Letting your body be the timer leads to a direct experience of sovereignty.

For those willing and able, note your energy levels between Tuesday, September 28, and the New Moon on September 6. Give the New Moon 24 hours or so, and then notice how energy naturally builds. We will explore this more next week.

The void of course Moon times in this last week of the lunar cycle include:

Thursday, September 30, 3:05 am until 2:10 pm EDT

Saturday, October 2, 7:43 pm until Sunday, October 3, 4:38 am EDT

Tuesday, October 5, 4:46 Am until 8:41 am EDT

The last lunar week, especially the three days of the Dark of the Moon, and void of course Moon times are highly receptive times for intuition, inspiration, and imagination. They are challenging times for using force to move forward.

More info is coming in the months ahead.


With Moon Glow,

